4 tips to help you prevent gout

There are no cures for the taste! The best thing you can do is take steps to prevent gout from occurring in the first place. How? Take a good look at the food you eat. Do you know what foods to avoid for taste problems? Do you know what foods are good to help prevent gout? Here are some “food” related tips that can help get you started on the right track:

TIP #1:

Avoid foods that cause flavor.

This is a no-brainer, but sometimes it’s hard to remember all the different foods to avoid and the reasons why. Here is a short list that can make a big difference in your taste experiences. I’m not going to just say “avoid high purine foods” because the next question would be, “What foods are those?” Here are some of them:

* Organ meats. The online medical dictionary defines organ meat as “non-meat edible products of animal slaughter. Includes brains, thymus, pancreas, liver, heart, kidney, tripe, sausage casings, casings, greaves.” Doesn’t sound too appetizing anyway! You never would have thought of the last three items as “organ meat” and you probably wouldn’t have even thought of avoiding them.

* Pâtés made with organ meats, such as liver pâté, Brunsweiger, liver sausage, and although not exactly a pâté, minced chicken livers should be included in this list. (And I make the BEST minced chicken livers this side of New York!)

* Dark meat poultry – turkey, chicken, duck


* Red meat

* Processed foods

* Flour

Try to eat more fish, white poultry, fresh fruits and vegetables, and research the different types of spices you can cook with that can enhance their flavor, such as burdock root and turmeric.

TIP #2:

Take a look at a bunch of taste photos.

I’m serious! When I was a teenager and thought I needed to “go on a diet,” someone said to me, “Put a picture of how you look now and another picture of how you want to look on your refrigerator door.” It was a good deterrent whenever I wanted a snack ‘without thinking’.

This simple technique has served me well all my life. You can use it too. Go online and find some vivid-tasting pictures, print them out (in vivid colors, if you can), and stick them on your refrigerator door. I can guarantee you that when you want to grab a quick hot dog on a white flour bun, with mustard and pickle relish loaded with sweet sugar, you’ll have second thoughts.

TIP #3:

If you eat a lot of cherries, the flavor will stay away.

Dr. Ludwig W. Blau accidentally discovered the connection between eating cherries and reducing your taste pain. He was stuck in his wheelchair and the only thing he could find that he wanted to eat was a bowl of fresh cherries. So he ate them. The next morning he discovered that his bread was much softer.

Fortunately for the rest of us, she was able to link eating cherries to her pain relief, so she continued to eat several cherries a day. Before long, he was able to walk again and was no longer confined to his wheelchair.

His discovery was reported in the Journal of Prevention. Blau said that the reason he published this discovery was so “It could offer a merciful means of relief to hundreds of thousands of American victims suffering from the agonizing and painful torture that drives many to contemplate suicide.”

TIP #4:

If you want to avoid the taste, alcohol must be eliminated from your life!

Okay, I know the research says that one glass of red wine a day… with dinner – It is good for your health. If you stick to just this glass, I’m pretty sure it won’t give you a flavor attack. But this doesn’t give you an excuse to get drunk every night!

Click on the links below and check out my free 9-day mini-course, “Gout: What is it?”.

It will answer many of your questions and help you get on the right path to eliminate this plague from your life.

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