Many athletes want to know how I can increase my vertical fast and I’ll tell you this, it won’t happen overnight, but with the right training, it can do wonders for your vertical. Everyone wants to jump out of the gym like a Lebron James or a Dwight Howard, but guess what, they didn’t wake up one day and suddenly they were over 40 inches tall. They had to work on it and build up there.

If you want to be like these guys, I have a couple of tips that have served me well in my quest to one day have that 40-plus-inch vertical.

1. You have to train all the muscles involved in jumping in addition to your main jumping muscles like hamstrings and calf muscles. You should also focus on the glutes, abs, and quads because these are often overlooked for many athletes. By training and working on all of these key muscles involved in jumping, you will start to see an increase in your fast vertical speed!

2. The next thing to do is follow a training plan if you really want to increase your vertical speed. I know it’s hard and it was for me, but following an exercise plan will keep you focused on what you’re trying to accomplish. You will be able to balance your training and this will give your muscles time to recover from a workout which will maximize your results.

3. The last thing is to make sure that you are training with explosion. What I mean by this is that you are training for that quick burst of vertical ability and the first step to leaving defenders in the dust. You’re not training for how long you can jump high, you’re training for that quick burst that is untouchable and will increase your vertical speed!