Like most people and myself included, travel, kids, family, responsibilities can sometimes get in the way of your workouts. It happens to all of us at some point or another and it is very difficult to recover from it.

But have no fear because there are exercises you can do that will keep you on track to lose weight and build muscle in no time. I call them my mini super workouts and they are designed for busy people looking to build muscle and lose weight at the same time.

However, I must warn you that they can be quite intense, so try with caution.

The first type of training is called the Tabata Method. This training was popularized by a Japanese researcher from Tokyo who found huge increases in metabolism and workload in this specific protocol.

The best part is that the whole workout only lasts 4 minutes, but it’s 4 minutes of pure torture. Here is the method:

– 5 minute easy warm up. This could be anything like a good jog, some bodyweight squats followed by light stretches.
– 8 cycles of 20 seconds of high intensity and 10 seconds of rest
– 2 minute cool down

That is all! Now you can do this type of training on an elliptical machine, a bike, or with a weight-bearing movement like front squats. If you’re going to choose front squats, choose a weight of about 65 to 95 pounds.

That will be enough, trust me.