A wide and bright smile

In a world full of reasons to brood and be upset, there is only one thing that can bring some hope. A wide and bright SMILE.

Mother Teresa once said: “Every time you smile at someone, it is an act of love, a gift to that person, something beautiful!” It’s so true. Even when you’re having a bad day or things aren’t going your way, a simple smile, even from someone you may not know, can actually make your day better. Especially when it comes to small children! Probably because children have the most honest and innocent smiles. They strike a chord immediately.

Such a simple thing and yet it has an effect that can change all day. And yet we are so strict when it comes to showing our teeth (literally)! It almost seems like we don’t smile because it takes effort! So today I am going to list some of the best reasons to make you smile!

Here you have:

1. Smiling requires less effort than frowning!

I am not kidding! You probably learned at school. But just in case, let me refresh your memory. It takes fewer muscles to smile than to frown. Many scientific theories have lately discounted this fact, but the truth is, why believe them?

As far as I’m concerned, smiling requires less effort as you don’t have any mental stress or worry when you smile. Whereas if you frown, you are obviously unhappy with something!

2. It makes you look good

If you’ve been paying attention, you must have noticed. Even someone who doesn’t have all the Greek God looks, can end up looking great with a smile! When you smile, your face automatically lights up. Your behavior changes and you start spreading this happy vibe around you.

One study showed that people with smiling faces are 80% more likely to have a positive impact on the people around them. So, whether it’s a business meeting or a date, a beautiful smile is your secret weapon for success!

So whatever you don’t wear, wear a smile.

3. The smile is contagious!

When you smile, you automatically activate a connection with the person you are smiling at. That person, whoever they are, is almost psychologically compelled to smile. And like a domino effect, the smiles keep coming. So that’s a contagious thing that you can happily spread everywhere!

4. Good first impression

Interview Tip 101. Always greet people with a smile. Even if you meet them for the first and last time. A smile is absolutely essential. When you smile when walking into a room or meeting someone, you make a great first impression. You spread this positive aura and people feel this natural affinity with you. They may even take special note of your nice treatment and remember it in future exchanges.

This helps a lot, especially if the person in front is someone influential and can help you in the future. They will remember you by your face, even if they forget your name! And even if that person isn’t important to you, it’s always nice to have a familiar face nearby when you’re in a crowd.

5. Fight against wrinkles!!!

If you’ve ever wanted to grow old with as few wrinkles as possible, SMILE! When you smile, wrinkles on your forehead automatically even out, and you’re less likely to get fine lines and wrinkles as you age.

Conversely, when you frown too much, your forehead wrinkles too often and the number of lines on your forehead and around your lips increases.

So skip the frown and embrace the smile!

What more could you want?? Free treatment for wrinkles! So put down the anti-aging creams and smile. Now that you know all the benefits, you can find the motivation to keep going and try to smile more.

To add to this, if you need reasons to keep smiling, here are a few:

• You are alive and well

• You have beautiful people who love you very much!

• Life is full of unexplored opportunities and you can go on an adventure every day.

• Yesterday is over, but there is a brighter tomorrow waiting to be embraced.

• You have a face. You have the responsibility to make it look amazing. Then SMILE!

• Smile because you can. Because you feel like it and that’s something you can do at no cost!

I hope you’re smiling now and always keep smiling!

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