Are you using all your gifts?

You have so many natural gifts and abilities just waiting to be used right now. Are you aware of these gifts and, more importantly, are you using them to your advantage?

What are your gifts?

  • Ability to dream of possibilities.
  • A very fertile and creative imagination.
  • The ability to look into the future and visualize what it will be like when you are there.
  • Reticular activation system (RAS) or extrathalamic control modulator system. Built-in Google search engine.
  • Create new ideas and think new thoughts
  • Power to create any future you desire.
  • Connection with the quantum field of possibility.

Wow, what a variety of wonderful gifts we all have at our disposal. All of which, with the exception of the basic functions served by (RAS), where in addition to being our internal Google search engine, also helping us with wake-up and sleep-wake transitions, serve no related purpose. with our basic survival. needs at all. So if all of the above gifts are not there to help us eat, procreate, or avoid danger, what other purpose could these gifts serve, which no other mammal on this planet possesses?

Your gifts – make you a creator

These gifts have been given to you so that you can live in accordance with your higher spiritual energy or higher self. You are undoubtedly a spiritual being, who is experiencing a fleeting physical experience on this planet. These incredible gifts as described above are all the evidence I need to fully believe that we are more than the frail human bodies we inhabit during this fleeting physical experience. We are spiritual beings, made up of the purest form of energy. As you know, energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be converted from one form to another. So all we do is go from one form of energy to another as we travel through the infinite quantum field.

Who are you really?

That’s a really deep question. If you are what you do for a living, then what are you when you don’t do that for a living? What are you really? Yes, we have a fleeting physical experience on this planet, where I challenge you to find the intelligence, spirit or energy, that lives within or, for lack of a better word, the captain at the helm of our body. I believe that you are a spiritual being, consisting of the purest form of creative energy, and that we are all part of the quantum field of possibility.

If you take a bucket of water out of the Pacific Ocean, then what you have in the bucket is a small portion of the ocean. I see the way we interact as pure energy spiritual beings in the same way. We are all little quantum field cubes of pure creative energy and we move in and out of the quantum field at will. Just like throwing the bucket of the Pacific Ocean back into the ocean, joining the contents of the bucket with the ocean, we can also join the quantum field.

Your gifts connect you with the quantum field.

We bring these incredible gifts as described above with us into this physical experience, to help us continue to be the creative energy; we always have been and always will be. We are not the body we inhabit; we are spirit, consisting of pure creative energy. That’s why I think if you don’t use all the gifts you have. You are working against the essence of who you are and have always been. You are a creator; with all the gifts you need at your disposal at this moment, to continue being one. Stop wasting your incredible natural gifts for one more moment and dare to give life to all the wonderful creative power you possess.

What perceptions do you have about yourself?

The perceptions you have about yourself and the images you have about who and what you are determine the scope and type of person you are. I believe that the images you hold in your conscious and superconscious mind are the mechanisms that control the way your future will turn out. Your autonomic responses are responsible for controlling your heartbeat, breathing, etc. but they are also in charge of storing your conditioned responses, habits, conditioned reflexes (skills or repeated images). This autonomous system can be compared to your internal autopilot or navigation system.

How do you set your autopilot? Are you working like a creator of your future, where you have a clear picture of what you have dreamed of, are guided by a clear plan and goals, who have programmed your Google search engine, telling you exactly what to be looking for and are driving the right habits of daily success, to help you achieve the dream you have for the future? If not, you are wasting all of your natural ability and wasting all of those wonderful gifts that you brought with you to help you through this fleeting physical experience.

How did you program “Autopilot”?

We have designed incredible guidance systems, which can search for targets thousands of kilometers away. These sophisticated electronic systems are installed in missiles, torpedoes, and spacecraft, which can guide these ships to their desired destination with pinpoint precision. The electronic guidance system makes every little correction necessary to ensure the vessel arrives at its exact destination. If the same missile is fired without a proper guidance system, there is a very small chance that it will hit its destination thousands of kilometers away. The same is true for your goals. If you approach your day haphazardly, every day, there is at best a long shot that you will achieve your goals.

Correctly program your autopilot by clarifying your vision, creating a blueprint for success, with precise details that describe the daily action you need to take and will eventually reach your future destination or goals. When you set a goal and create an action plan, in which you act daily, you create a self-motivated system or, in other words, you program your autopilot to travel the path you need to travel to achieve your dreams. This autopilot is negatively affected by negative self-talk and positively programmed by positive self-talk and positive environmental feedback. When your autopilot is programmed correctly, it will adjust itself and help you make all the decisions you need to be successful.

Understanding brain research

Some research I’ve studied recently suggests that the brain can function as a holographic projector. Using laser beams to project and reassemble three-dimensional images, about future possibilities. It is this incredible ability to create images of the future, and your ability to visualize yourself as part of those vivid images, that gives you access to the incredible power of your creative imagination.

Scientists confirm that your nervous system cannot differentiate between a real experience and one that is vividly imagined, emotionally and in perfect detail, about future events that have not yet occurred. You are currently programming your autopilot, your self-image, your creative imagination, and your reticular activation system to work for you or against you.

use your gifts

It’s time for you to make better decisions about how you use these systems and your whole life will change immediately. Your mind strives to achieve the goals you set for yourself, whether they are positive or negative, true or false, safe or dangerous. Your mind does not evaluate your goals; it simply acts automatically to achieve the goals you present to it. Your brain acts like a CPU in a computer, its only function is to follow the instructions of the spiritual energy or the captain implicitly, without analysis or evaluation at all.

You are a creator, possessing incredible gifts. Stop wasting them all for one more moment and become the possibility you have dreamed of in your future.

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