Ashrita – Guinness World Record holder

Ashrita Furman has the unique claim of holding the Guinness World Record for breaking the most Guinness World Records. At last count, Ashrita has broken 108 official Guinness records and currently holds more than 32 records. Ashrita has also set many of her records at various places such as CNN Tower Canada, Stonehenge, The Great Pyramids. She recently set a record for the fastest mile while hula dancing at Eyres Rock Australia. In doing so, she managed to set a world record on each of the 7 continents. Ashrita’s record-breaking achievements have inspired and entertained many people in awe of her unusual records! Although as People magazine said

“There is hardly a man alive who wants to do what Ashrita Furman…the Carl Lewis of eccentric athletics…just did.”
– People Magazine

When asked why he does so many extraordinary activities, Ashrita answers.

“I’m trying to show others that our human capacity is limitless if we can really believe in ourselves.”

For the past 30 years, Ashrita has been practicing meditation under the guidance of Sri Chinmoy, who is also known for his athletic achievements. By breaking records, Ashrita has been able to show that the ancient oriental art of meditation is not just about sitting in a cave to achieve peace, but can also bring our hidden abilities to light. Ashrita says that before each record he likes to meditate briefly. He says:

“I feel it is meditation that gives me the ability to accomplish these feats. Sometimes my mind wavers or my body is tired or even hurt in some way, and these things deter or distract you. Meditation helps you stay focused and ‘in the heart’ – by that I mean the mind becomes calm and sure of its purpose…”

In addition to demonstrating the capacity for self-transcendence, Ashrita also likes to make unusual and wacky records that make people laugh. Some of her more unusual records include: the longest distance to balance a milk bottle on her head (80.9 miles); fastest mile for nose pushing an orange (24 min 36 sec); largest diameter hula hoop (16 feet) and the fastest mile in a space chute. However, while many of these records are great fun, Ashrita points out that all Guinness World Records require a lot of focus and determination; he says it’s never easy to break a Guinness World Record. At the age of 47, there seems to be no sign that Ashrita is heading into early retirement, if indeed the record-breaking rate appears to be picking up. During the last 3 months, Ashrita broke 5 world records while on vacation with Sri Chinmoy in Malaysia. The last record involved the fastest mile tracking (less than 30 minutes). When asked if crawling was a good form of exercise. Ashrita teased.

“Well, it’s a great form of exercise, for every part of the body, but I don’t think it’s going to catch on!”

Ashrita is a member of the Sri Chinmoy Center of New York and, in between breaking world records, runs a health food store in Queens, New York.

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