If we had a poll today asking people if they lived their lives authentically, I’m pretty sure we’d get a very positive response from most of those interviewed. I want to believe that most people live their lives performing and performing to the best of their ability. They work hard. Most of the time they tell the truth. They respect each other. And they try to make connections that are lasting and fulfilling.

But is this the true authenticity? The English dictionary says that authenticity means “the authenticity or truth of something.” When we read this and randomly apply it to our daily routines, I think most people would say that they live lives that are authentic and that they act authentic. Most people would say that they are sincere, genuine and that they act with the truth.

But let’s dig a little deeper. What are your true desires? What are the things you long for the most? What do you really believe? Where does your heart reside? What do you really, really want for your life today? Who are you?

You see, most of the time we live our lives doing things the way we were taught to live. We make decisions based on what people have told us would be best for us or what they expect of us. And we never really question them to find out if they agree with ourselves, with who we really are. The result of this is that we end up dissatisfied, upset, perhaps angry, frustrated, and sometimes even depressed and hopeless. We settle down and life stops being interesting. And we go blaming others, blaming our family, blaming our government, politicians and even blaming God.

A truly authentic life is one that is in sync with our core values. A true authentic life is the one that works perfectly with our heart. Do you know what that is? Do you live in that place? What would it take for you to figure this out?

This is not a simple task. We are constantly bombarded by the desires and demands of society that we often give in to them. In the process we lose focus and forget the longings of our soul. But we can take back our space. Every day we must tune in, call our inner voice and listen. Every day, at the moment of each decision and each action, we must ask ourselves if this is authentic for us, if this is genuine and true, not according to anyone else, but only for us. Then we will be living a true authentic life.

This is a path that requires courage and determination, but one that is rewarding and satisfying. We can do this. Get started today!