Black Toenail Fungus – The Best Way To Get Rid Of Toenail Fungus

Black Toenail Fungus is an infection that involves the toenails. When you suffer from this fungal infection, the natural color of your toes changes from white/whitish to black.

Even before you start to panic, make sure you’re eating a nutrient-dense diet. It could also be the result of recent nail polish that you used on your toenails.

It is best to wait and watch the black toenail fungus for a week to see if it returns to its original color or not. If it stays the same or deteriorates, it’s time to act.

What does it mean when toenail fungus turns black?

There could be a myriad of reasons behind your yeast infection. Here are some common reasons for the same:

>>> Your organs are not working well enough: This is undoubtedly the first telltale sign of such a fungal infection. It is very likely that your toes turn black because you are diabetic or because your kidneys are not working optimally. An underlying heart disease or anemia is also a cause of the same.

>>> Has Sustained an Injury: If your toe has recently been injured, it is very likely that it will turn black in color. When your toe is struck against a hard surface, the blood vessels under the nail tend to rupture. This leads to blood loss and discoloration of the nail (black fungus under the toenail).

>>> Covid 19 infection: It has been reported that men and women who have suffered from a viral infection (covid 19) suffer from a fungal infection on their toes.

>>> Often suffers from wet feet syndrome: If you are in the habit of wearing socks on wet feet or refrain from drying them, a fungal infection occurs. Also, if you stay in a hot climate that has high levels of humidity, you can develop a fungal infection on your toes.

>>> Skin cancer: This is also a reason why toenails turn black. The lack of optimal pigmentation caused by skin cancer leads to this phenomenon.

How to cure black toenail fungus?

The cure for black fungus under the toenail differs from individual to individual and is based on the causes behind this phenomenon. This is how I can explain this:

>>> In case you have sustained an injury and your toe has turned black, there is not much to worry about. Your blood vessels will heal over time and your toe will return to its original color.

>>> If you have an underlying medical condition, you may need to get tested by a trained medical examiner. He or she will reveal the next course of action to improve your current fungal infection.

>>> If you suffer from a serious condition, you may need to opt for over-the-counter fungal medications. Using these medications, as well as topical ointments, may also help.

home remedies for black toenails

>>> Cold compress: You can try compressing your injured toe or black colored toe in a small plastic bag containing crushed ice cubes. You can apply this ice pack for 20 minutes, twice a day for better results.

>>> No movement: You should avoid walking, running, jogging, or doing any strenuous physical activity. If you need to move, watch your footing.

>>> Over-the-counter nail fungus medications: If your black toenail tends to hurt, you can opt for ibuprofen, paracetamol, or naproxen. Taking these will reduce swelling and ease pain. Lamisil is also a good over-the-counter medication to treat toenail fungus.

>>> Soak your foot in vinegar: In two full cups of water for one full cup of vinegar. You should use water that is higher than normal room temperature. Soak your foot for 20 minutes before drying your feet. You can repeat this process 2 to 3 times a day.

>>> The quality of footwear and socks: To prevent further damage from black toenail fungus, wear sweat-wicking socks. You must also wear a shoe that is one size larger than normal. This will prevent your toe from rubbing when you walk/run/play.

>>>Use protective equipment: It is a good idea to cover your nail in black color with tips. On top of this, you should wear a thick pair of socks to offer more protection.

>>> Use antifungal cream: Urea 40+ and Lotrimin AF are two ointments that help to cure the fungal infection. Medicated nail polish is also a good option.


The toenail tends to collect debris, leading to a fungal infection. Discoloration of the nails (yellow, black, pale yellow) is a sure sign that the toe is infected. Your nail may emit a bad odor or your nail may become brittle. Therefore, always keep your toes clean and dry. You can also take herbal pills that improve nail health and get rid of toenail fungus naturally.

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