Can a man get a yeast infection? Definitely! Although we tend to associate women with candidiasis, a man can also contract it. And for many of the same reasons women get it. But a man is more likely to keep things to himself, so he tends not to approach his doctor for help. This is totally wrong: always seek the advice of an expert doctor if he is concerned in any way about his sexual health.

We really shouldn’t use the term “catch” a yeast infection. It’s not like “catching” a cold. There has to be a certain set of circumstances before the infection takes hold, and it all starts from within…

The root cause of yeast infection in a man or woman is the fungus Candida Albicans. Candida Albicans is a naturally occurring fungus found in most people and is normally kept in check by the good bacteria in our bodies. But sometimes it can be triggered into an “overgrowth” that causes the symptoms of a yeast infection. Things that can trigger overgrowth are things like a weakened immune system, recreational drugs, antibiotics, steroids, diabetes, poor diet, stress, wearing wet/sweaty underwear (old wives’ tale, but true), etc.

Can I get a yeast infection during sexual intercourse? The answer is yes, if your partner already has it. A man or a woman can get an infection during sex because it can be passed from the infected partner to the other partner. Therefore, it is best to refrain from sexual intercourse if you or your partner have an infection. (This is probably the only time they can use the phrase “getting a yeast infection”).

Typical symptoms in a man are “jock itch”; head of penis red and swollen; dry and scaly skin; pain when urinating; inability to have sex, or very painful sex. In the mouth, look for raised yellow/white patches on the tongue and mucous membranes; thick white coating on the tongue; cracked tongue under coat; difficulty to swallow; bad breath.

Now, most prescription and over-the-counter medications are applied topically to the affected area. The problem is that while the symptoms may go away, all too often the infection comes back. Opinion suggests this is because these medications are drug-based and target the symptoms rather than the underlying cause. Also, Candida Albicans can become resistant to medications, which then become ineffective.

Of course, for many people, the obvious way out of this dilemma is to use all-natural, drug-free home remedies. These approaches are becoming increasingly popular as former yeast sufferers share their secrets of success with others over the Internet. The natural approach is one that you should consider, especially if you are the type of person who has an aversion to drugs.