Gerhard tells the following story:

God spoke to me about cars with big engines. V8s that roar and gobble up the road when they’re gone. Such a car can easily tow anything from a trailer to a truck.

If you realize the power that the engine has, you will move mountains. Unfortunately, you are powerless unless you have the smallest component in your hand: the key.

If you don’t have the key, the car isn’t going anywhere. It doesn’t even roar when you step on the gas. It is silent.

In our lives, the key is that tiny mustard seed of faith. The love of Jesus is already there. But if the key is missing, “faith”, you are not going anywhere.

We don’t realize how great and powerful the Holy Spirit is within us. If we have faith in God, nothing can stop us. Only I can stop myself if I don’t believe.

Often doubt and lack of faith act as a handbrake, preventing the car that is our life from taking on the world at full speed. And when we add our guilt for what we did wrong, we stop. We have the potential. We can achieve a lot in the world, but we fail due to lack of faith and guilt.

This is so unnecessary. We waste our time on things that Jesus has already figured out for us. 20-21jJesus has cleared the way with the blood of his sacrifice, acting as our priest before God. The “curtain” in God’s presence is his body. 22So let’s do it, full of confidence, certain that we are presentable inside and out.

Do you want this clearer? Jesus is in control. When we accepted him as Savior, he became our brother. He defends us. He is on our side. He is our advocate in heaven. When he defends us, he doesn’t say anything. He just raises his hands and when God sees that, He knows that Jesus already paid for our sin on the cross.

Why would we want to doubt this, and thus put the brakes on?

And the guilt? What a waste of time. Break your speed. It’s unnecessary. Yes, we all make mistakes and we want to crucify ourselves for it. But why? Jesus has already been crucified. Why would we want to do it again?

As the children say: There is a cement special at the hardware store. Go and buy a bag of cement and build a bridge on it.

Yeah, this might be what we need to do so we can drive the car of our lives over it. Quick, so we can live life to the fullest and really make a difference with all that heap of gifts we have.

Holy Scripture

Hebrews 10:19-25


How fast is the car of your life going?

Are lack of faith and guilt holding you back?

what can you do differently?


Father, thank you for the death of Jesus on the cross. I believe with all my heart that it is true and that it is more than enough. Please help me release the parking brake on my life, so I can move full speed ahead. Amen.