Category: Health Fitness

Low Carb Diet Expert

For a long time, people thought that dietary fat intake was the cause of body fat stores; “Eating too much fat makes me fat.” However, this is actually not true. You will discover very quickly that reducing dietary fat will hardly make any difference to your weight or body fat percentage. When you start to […]

Kwashiorkor in a prosperous society

Kwashiokor is a form of protein-energy malnutrition that we generally associate with children from war-torn African countries. Economic and social prosperity generally protects our population, especially children, from protein deprivation. The low incidence of Kwashiokor delays its diagnosis in special groups that are at risk of developing it. Chase HP, in a review of kwashiorkor, […]

Good Nutrition Tips for Pregnant Moms

Some people believe that a pregnant woman should “eat for two” during the nine months of pregnancy to ensure that the developing baby receives all the nutrition it needs. In reality, this couldn’t be further from the truth. If a pregnant woman ate twice as much during her pregnancy as she normally eats, she will […]

Do it yourself Medifast

I write a lot about my experiences on Medifast. The other day someone visited my blog and asked if it was possible to replicate Medifast yourself or come up with some kind of “do it yourself” alternative. I will answer this question in the next article. What you would have to come up with if […]

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