Category: Lifestyle Fashion

laser cutting tools

There are various laser cutting tools depending on the type of finished product you prefer. Computer controlled laser cutting routers can cut each letter with precision, capturing every detail of the selected style. Such manufacturing systems are useful for cost-effectively cutting symbols and logos. The solid-state laser uses a glass rod with flat, parallel ends. […]

How to Teach Math in the Classroom

Some years ago, I got an appointment as Head of the Department of the Pre-Entry Science Course at the Technical University of Balgravia. The Department enrolled the best students from different schools in the country. The Department’s goal was to find students’ gaps in their knowledge of science subjects and bring them up to university […]

Fun spring activities for baby boomers

Who doesn’t love spring when longer days light up the sky, birds sing merrily, and trees begin to sprout bright new leaves? Even here in the California desert where I live, wildflowers are in bloom, jacaranda trees are exploding with purple blossoms, and cacti are bursting with brightly colored blossoms. Since a lack of sunlight […]

Has global warming made hurricane damage worse?

Hurricanes are nature’s most violent and destructive storms. There is a smaller, but potentially destructive storm raging among climate scientists and climate skeptics about the nature of hurricanes. Scientific evidence points to global warming making hurricanes more intense. Skeptics would like to convince everyone that global warming hasn’t caused any change in hurricanes, so there […]
