If you dream of traveling and discovering the United States, one state at a time, this article will show you how to do it on a tight budget. There are three tiers to traveling affordably wherever travel in the US appeals to you. The size and gas mileage of your vehicle, the activities you choose to do, and the accommodations you select will influence the cost of your travel experience. There is a travel option that fits most budgets; Just as some lifestyles are more expensive than others, some travel lifestyles are cheaper than others. Leave your troubles behind and rediscover the joy of a simple and adventurous life on the road, no matter your budget and no matter which state you choose to travel to, just choose the option that’s right for you. This article will show you the ABC’s of budget travel so you can decide which one is best for you.

The first level of cheap travel in the United States

A) The car and motel option

This option would interest you if you plan to travel by car and want to stay in motels throughout the United States on the cheap without ending up in a dive. In every state, you can find cheap motels that are clean, comfortable, and allow you to discover a new city with a good first impression. Do your homework! Visit Trip Advisor and other online motel reviews to get a good idea of ​​the conditions and service you can expect at available motels. To travel cheaply and sleep comfortably, whether you’re going to Montana, Utah, California, or Florida, you should look for motels in the cities you want to stop in, and then look at reviews from other people who have stayed at that motel. This is very enlightening and useful information to prevent disasters or at least be prevented.

For example, if you do some research and find a really cheap motel and want to know why it’s so cheap and what the catch is. By searching online and doing your homework ahead of time, you can find the best deals and decide what you can personally live with and put up with to save money.

If you settle on a certain motel and decide to stay there even though the train runs every 4 hours and honks, at least you’ll look forward to it and remember you get the room for $30 a night. Can you live with that or do you decide to opt for the $45 bed and breakfast?

You can surely find great rooms at great prices; all it takes is a little research. Since the cost of lodging can be the most expensive aspect of traveling on America’s roads, this simple tip can save you a lot of money and disappointment.

The second level of cheap travel in the United States

A) The option RV, motor home or truck and camper

This option would interest you if you love the road but want to be self-sufficient, with your own things and hang your coat in the same place every night.

You’ll want to find suitable campgrounds and state parks using this method, and again, doing your homework ahead of time will help you get the best deals and let you know what to expect once you get there. You can decide for yourself if the price is worth it for the services offered and the convenience of the location. Search online for RV Park Reviews, whether you’re headed to Vermont, Colorado, or Louisiana, to get a good idea of ​​what you’ll get for your money at a given park. This will help you determine your best options.

This is also the best option to choose if you want to take Fido or Max along for the ride. They will add a lot of enjoyment to your trip if you just can’t bear to leave your pets behind. With your own RV or caravan, you can give them a good ride before dropping them off in the comfort of your own travel home before escaping for a factory tour, restaurant meal or concert.

With this camping method, you’ll also save a lot on food costs, since you’ll be able to make many of your own meals. Of course, the cost of gasoline will increase. Does the comfort and convenience of sleeping in your own bed, the greatly reduced cost of lodging, and the savings from making your own food outweigh the higher cost of gasoline? The answer to this question will depend on the distance you plan to travel and the gas mileage of your vehicle. Once again, do your homework for maximum satisfaction.

The third level of cheap travel in the United States

C) Camping at Boondock in a small RV or motorhome

This type of cheap trip is ideal for those who want to travel for a long time: one month, two months, bird watching in the snow or full-time trips. Perfect for self-sufficient people. The perfect match would have one partner who is mechanically inclined and great with directions and the other good at meal planning and travel planning.

Boondock camping is also called rough or dry camping, as most of the time this type of camping offers few or no services. For those who have a small RV or van, it is quite possible to set up your kit to be self-sufficient in electricity, mealtimes, bathtimes, and living happily well on an extreme budget. Camping in Boondock is mostly free or extremely cheap, and therefore can allow for long-term travel for less than it would cost to live at home for the same length of time.

Cheap Boondock sites are available and waiting for you in Arizona, Texas, New York, Florida, and every other state in between. Cheap travel in the United States of America is very possible and pleasant. All it takes is some thoughtful planning, organization, and an honest selection of the option that best suits your family.

A) Are you happier traveling for shorter periods of time and staying in comfortable motels with great rates, or

B) Do you prefer to camp in your own mobile home or motorhome with your personal belongings, pets and do you like to prepare your own meals?

C) Can you be comfortable being self-sufficient, making your own energy, food and personal entertainment in nature or in city parking lots? Do you like to travel for long periods of time in exchange for a strict budget?

Whichever option you choose, it all comes down to doing your homework if you want to save money and travel on a budget. When you put in the effort and work hard researching your layovers, your excursions, planning your meals, and determining your own destination, you can have it all on a budget wherever you choose to roam the US.