Cleanse and detox for better health

When I had cancer I searched the shelves of health food stores trying to find an effective cleanse and detox. There are many cleanses and detoxes on the market. Some can help you; some may not or even make things worse. Some of these products were invented by someone who found a formula in an herbal book. They bought some herbs from who knows where. Then they put together a promotional package and hit the road. I wouldn’t want to risk my health on a product like this.

I learned from a Thompsonian naturopath about a formula that is older than this country (a long track record of success is important to me). This was 18 years ago; I bought wild and organic herbs and mixed them and put them into capsules myself. That formula worked perfectly, the crap just came out of me. Some of it was pitch black, some had parasites. It went on for over a week, it was very toxic. Everyone in the United States is toxic, with more than 10,000 chemicals in the air, water, and food, 3,000 of which have never been tested for toxicity. Right now, you might be thinking, “Oh, I could never go through that.” My response to that is “would you rather keep those things inside of you?”. Trust me, there was nothing in there you wanted to keep. Compared to radiation treatment, cancer surgery, or chemotherapy, this is a walk in the park. I went to work every day and put in 8 hours of heavy construction without an accident.

You might also be thinking that you don’t have that kind of toxic stuff in you. Trust me; I am not different from you. I lived the typical American lifestyle. I was moderate in my habits. I never did anything in excess. I ate white bread; he used sugar moderately, drank coffee once a day, and ate some meat. I ate what I thought was a lot of fruits and vegetables and took vitamin supplements. I eat fast food maybe once a week. I was in very good physical shape. At the time, he had a second degree black belt in Kenpo karate and practiced daily. He took no medication and had never had a serious illness. Actually, I think I was above average in my health habits. I did many other naturopathic techniques to get rid of this cancer. I found that the cleaner my body was, the more my level of health improved until I stopped having symptoms. From this experience I became a Thompsonian naturopath.

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