COD4 – Recommended game type, weapons, practice, equipment and tactics

hard core all the way

I think it’s come down to discussions on gaming forums about what kind of game they want in their multiplayer, especially on known servers. In my opinion, Hardcore is better and these are my reasons. With limited ammo per magazine, it’s crucial to kill with fewer bullets. Although most self-proclaimed expert gamers disagree with this because they want Non-Hardcore, IMHO it’s just to their advantage. that is, not die from a couple of bullets and keep running like crazy into a swarm of enemies. They get very annoyed with this, use HC to your advantage and keep reading…

Camping is bad when you stay too long. Target camping is the way to go. It’s where you camp and take cover, stay there for a while until the enemies are downed and proceed to another area, 2-3 kills is enough to guarantee another camping spot, objectively though.

Objective camping is strongly recommended. These are the words that come out of my mouth or my thoughts. Don’t run without cover, even for short distances. Also, always assume the enemy is hidden, aim for the usual hiding spots, even if there aren’t any, you’ll have the advantage even if he peeks out. Also, assume your target position, think ahead, if you always stop at that spot, go ahead and aim there.

Also within the use of weapons

I’ve always been firm on gun types. The more precise, the better. Never rely on your recoil to accidentally hit your target. Always aim at him in the fastest way. I would recommend an m16 for its pinpoint accuracy and raw damage,

The G3 parries with great precision and always resetting to its level shot after shot, the default sniper rifle for less idle roll and of course accuracy.

The RPD is also a mass murder weapon which is optimized for accuracy with the help of a grapple attachment, learn all these weapons and you can get a better kill/death ratio.

M4 is also good for good spray power with less recoil.

For best aiming always stay away from weapons like the p90 as the next shot ten meters from an opponent will likely hit or miss. Despite 50 rounds, precision weapons still win more than bullet capacity on any given day.

with benefits

* My base load is…

Stun Grenade – Faster launch animation than Flashbang.

M9 – Highest bullet capacity (Note they all have 40 damage except D. Eagle for 50 but less bullets) Bandolier – 6 reloads are crucial, get this ASAP because you will need to shoot a lot of enemies. Stopping Power: The potential to kill with a single bullet is good enough to use. Deep Impact – Expect a higher kill score with this, especially with newcomers looking through windows.

Red Dot Sight – always an addition to make accurate shots; otherwise, settle for the default iron sights on the RPD due to the Grip attachment offset.


Load up a Killhouse map and test it by hitting those cameras. Always remember to aim your center screen at the target to kill the seek, this will drastically reduce the time it takes to right click and sweep your mouse to seek the target.

The next step is to target those lights one by one until the magazine is depleted, you will notice better accuracy with the weapons I mentioned above.

Check out my other COD articles at for some fishbot training to help you aim better.

mouse and pad

The preferred mat is an optical type with a higher DPI and a black cloth mat, these are the minimums. Never settle for a mouse with a blue mouseball and mousepad. All the necessary items can be purchased at CDR King (like the ones I use) for less than 130 Phil.Pesos or about 3 USD (yes, that’s three dollars).

Here is also the guide for the PC hardware you may want to get smooth gameplay on Cod4.

graphics settings

60 frames per second is always better, just read my guide here on blogspot to measure your frames per second. If you can’t achieve this, just download my graphics tweak to get up to 200 frames per second, even on poor quality video cards. You can choose to follow this philosophy when playing, but it is entirely up to you.

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