Color symbolism of gray: a tangent of balance and neutrality

Colors symbolize emotions, so much so that they influence our thoughts and make us perceive things differently. Over the centuries, colors have received various connotations, sometimes driven by their natural occurrences, while others by their different associations with certain elements. The color gray is a mixture of two colors with exactly opposite properties and therefore carries the qualities of both. The black and white colors in various combinations, give the different shades of gray. White is a color that reflects all light and appears the brightest. Therefore, the symbolism of the color of gray is combined with abundance and illumination. Black, on the other hand, absorbs all light and reflects nothing. This makes it the color of the hidden and nothing. The two are colors of gray that have the effect of counteracting the other’s attributes. Therefore, it is strongly associated with balance and neutrality.

‘Gray area’ is an expression used to describe cloudy elements, which cannot be considered positive (symbolized by white) or negative (symbolized by black). Gray is related to sadness and discouragement. This interpretation stems from occasional gray clouds in the sky that prevent sunlight from reaching Earth, thus creating a depressing atmosphere. Artists from the different sects of painting have used gray skies to highlight unhappiness and feelings. Renaissance painters used shades of gray to paint the clothing of the peasantry, the bourgeois, and the underprivileged, which were a representation of real life and a technique to highlight the other significant aspects of their pieces. The holy men and hermits of the Elizabethan era in England also wore gray clothing to signify simplicity. Gray was a popular choice for European painters to create under paint, which a monochromatic base paint used as the base for full-fledged color paint. One of the classic examples of a gray scale under painting is the “Odalisque” by Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres.

In the European nations, the symbolism of the color of gray advocated mourning, death and lament, because of the color of ashes. The biblical interpretation of gray is repentance, selflessness, purity of thought, fasting, and worship. It is related to the season of ‘Lent’ (days immediately before Holy Week). Gray universally symbolizes intelligence, due to its reference to gray neurons in the brain. Gray can be combined with different colors. The color scheme in such cases derives its essential character from the other colors that are used. The color gray individually portrays formality, sophistication, antiquity, deference, experience, wisdom, reliability, traditions, security, plant life, lack of distinction, feelings, disappearance, dirt and pollution.

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