Complete abs workout for beginners

All it takes is dedication and following a well-balanced diet and exercise routine and you could be well on your way to looking the best you ever dreamed of. Trust me when I say “it gets easier from there”, it could be a bit emotionally addictive, in a good way of course.

Ok, let’s get straight to it!
Abdominal exercises should be done targeting your abdominal muscle, if you are not doing it correctly you will not get results.

We all have six to eight abs that are hidden under layers of fat around our belly. Rigorous sit-ups and crunches notwithstanding, without a proper diet plan to reduce the amount of fat intake, that is simply a battle half won.

If we go on a frantic food strike to lose fat and not exercise, our abs will dimly show, as will our health and possibly anorexia. So always remember that “balance is a MUST”!

Do you know that your abdominal muscle groups, if exercised constantly, will reduce the chances of back pain, improving your posture, stabilizing and controlling the body? Your strong, lean abs do more than just reflect motherly confidence.

The following are types of quick and simple abdominal exercises for beginners that will be categorized into 3 abdominal groups, mainly upper abs, lower abs, and obliques.

abdominal exercise for beginners

Upper abdominal exercises

basic crunch
Lie on your back with your knees bent, keep your feet on the floor at shoulder-width apart, place your hand behind your head, exhale slowly by contracting your abs as your head and shoulders lift off the floor. Lift straight up toward the ceiling with your chin pointing up. Then hold the position for 2-3 seconds before slowly lowering yourself back to the floor and repeat.

half crunch
Lie on your back with your knees bent, keep your feet on the floor at shoulder-width apart, place your hand behind your head, exhale slowly by contracting your abs as you lift a few inches off the floor. You should feel a contraction in your stomach and then lift more towards the ceiling with your chin pointing up and return to the position you were in a few inches off the ground before repeating again.

Tips: Be sure to contract your abs hard to protect your back and not lower yourself to the floor.

Lower abdominal exercises

reverse crunch
Lie on your back with your knees drawn up to your chest. Place your hands behind your head and exhale by pulling your abs hard. As you exhale, contract your lower abs so that your hips and buttocks lift off the floor, and inhale as you slowly lower yourself back to the starting position. Don’t rock! the movement should be slow and steady.


Lie on your back with your hand under your buttocks to get that slight tilt in your pelvic area. Raise both legs so they point toward the ceiling. Pull your left knee in toward your chest using your lower abs as you do so. Push your left leg out in a steady motion and pull your right leg toward your chest alternately using a push-pull motion with your abs.

oblique exercises

The obliques are stomach muscles that lie on either side of the core abdominals. You can’t get the ripped hard look without toning these muscles and the way to do that is to do oblique exercises.

russian roulette

To perform the Russian Twist you will need some type of weight, you could get away with being a beginner. Sit on the floor with both legs in front of you. Bend them a bit if necessary. Keep your upper body leaning back slightly so that you are using your abs to keep from reaching the floor.

Put your hands together in front of you. She begins by twisting her torso moving from side to side. Your hands should always be in front of you.

oblique crunch
Lie on your back, with your legs bent keeping your feet on the floor with your hands behind your head. Slowly raise your upper body, coming to connect your elbow with the opposite knee.

To perform an oblique lateral crunch, lie on one side and bend your knees. Place one hand behind your neck with the other under your thigh. Raise your body to squeeze your obliques at the top. Once you are done with 1 side, replace hands and repeat.

Beginners should try each exercise for 3 sets of 20 for the best ab result.

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