Data Security in Rural Banks

The day to day of Rural Banks has caused the amount of data to increase exponentially, which can transform banking as an institution. Processing of dependent data, such as government salaries, individual transactions, etc., can help determine certain trends, which can be used to validate and analyze the quality of bank data. However, banks’ system administrators may use the data as a means of monitoring application users and advising management accordingly. As Rural Banks is gradually expanding and adopting modern forms of banking, such as Short Message Service (SMS) banking, wire transfers, branch data consolidation, and merging with different API software applications, administrators of banks require necessary attention and careful monitoring to make sure that the data from the data organization is not leaked to the wrong person or that the data is not changed. If hackers or someone with bad intentions gains access to a database, it becomes dangerous and violates the secrecy of organizations, which can tarnish the image of the organization.

Data security is a means to ensure that the database of any institution or organization does not fall into the wrong hands. The data must be protected in such a way that criminal insiders cannot access the database. Hackers always go to great lengths to gain access to a database by trying to break through an organization’s network firewalls or gain physical access to the data. The database can get corrupted by viruses, database crashes, etc., which administrators need to guard against. The objective of ensuring the security of databases in the banking sector is to safeguard the continuous use of databases and networks that are important to the organization, prevent unauthorized use of data, destruction or inadvertent distortion or deliberate use of the data, and minimize the damage caused. . In addition to protecting the organization’s database, preparations must be made to deal with threats that could result in postponement of uses and to recover from such situations.

In order to protect an organization’s database, the data security policy must be adhered to and security training for bank administrators must be regularly organized.

In most institutions, the performance of individual employees is an important determinant of organizational success. The performance of an employee will depend on the type of training provided.

The reason behind employee training cannot be overemphasized, some of which are, which training is the process from which employees gain the skills to perform their jobs and is an essential part of any successful business or institution. . More employees will not reach their full potential and higher levels of productivity will not be achieved unless employees are properly trained. A poorly trained workforce will eventually lead to poor performance and costly mistakes. Also trained employees can help institutions compete.

The results of my findings regarding database security suggest that there is still a hole that needs to be filled by providing proper employee training.

Rural banks can eradicate the danger of database threats by establishing a policy that board members are involved in the organization’s information security policy risk management team. The world has now become a global village, and as banking and network applications increase, it becomes necessary to protect and maintain organization data, as well as organizations’ computers and network configurations. A stranger or an intruder cannot attack a company’s database without using the Internet. Therefore, the Internet plays a very important role when it comes to external data hacking. Identification, authentication and authorization cameras and (CCTV) are security measures that must be implemented when it comes to database security. Network administrators must ensure that not all network users have full Internet access. In order to achieve the measures mentioned above, staff training must be strongly emphasized. The efficiency of an organization’s performance and compliance with protocols and procedures depends on training.

The measures listed below should be taken into account when planning a protected network.

Physical Facility Attack – Physical facility attacks are attacks that can be seen but cannot be prevented due to factors such as theft, physical attack, and many more.

Access attack: This attack can be classified as external or internal. When an internal or external person tries to illegally access the organization’s network with the intention of copying a file, stealing data from the system. It can be categorized into PASSWORD ATTACKS (hackers go to great lengths to guess passwords) and TRUST EXPLOITATION (this type of attack usually occurs in an organization where staff believe and trust themselves)

Worm, virus and Trojan horse attacks: These types of attacks are common in organizations where users can connect removable devices such as pen drives, external hard drives, compact discs, etc. In order to prevent this attack, antivirus software must be installed on all computers and institution managers must ensure that the antivirus signature is up to date and working.

Confidentiality: Information on the network remains private.

Authentication: Make sure that users on the network are who they say they are.

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