Discover which acidic foods are worse for your body and which is the best to neutralize them

Taking charge of your own health starts with knowing the fuel you use.

One reason to know which foods are considered acidic is to learn how to eat to control the pH level of your blood. A blood pH between 7 and 8 is considered healthy by human blood levels. A person who has a lower or higher pH level is at risk of developing symptoms that can lead to illness. If a person’s pH level is below 7, they are acidic. If it is above 7, it is alkaline. In addition to food, other life stressors like stress and an unhealthy colon can lead to an acidic pH.

Dangers of high acid diet

An acidic pH is very dangerous as it stifles oxygen to normal cells. As the level of acidity increases, the absorption of minerals is blocked and the body will have a low level of energy, a poor functioning of the digestive tract and a higher incidence of diseases due to the lack of the body of minerals necessary to replenish the cells. decaying. The seriousness of low acidity is indicated by the statistic that a pH of 6.9, which is only 1 point below normal, can cause death. If you take aspirin or are exposed to chemicals like pesticides, you are increasing the level of acidity in your body.

General acidic foods

High-acid foods include meat and poultry products. Other high-acid foods include white flour, sugar, coffee, artificial sweeteners, and beverages. A healthy diet should consist of a lower level of consumption of acidic foods and a higher level of alkaline foods. If a person is sick, his diet should be restricted to acidic foods and increased in alkaline foods. Foodstuffs that are highly acidic include all meat, fish, poultry, eggs, beans, and grains. Foods that are acidic given to a sick person will tend to make that person even sicker. Avoiding acidic foods when sick will help the body adapt to acidic toxins by replenishing damaged cells with alkaline minerals obtained from non-acidic foods. Not all fruits are non-acidic foods.

Lesser Known Acid Causing Foods

We are also careful to limit acidic foods that mimic alkaline foods. Dark fruits like blueberries, cranberries, currants, plums, and prunes are high in acid. Almost all grains are high in acid, including rice, rice cakes, oatmeal, macaroni, and wheat products. High acid beans include chick peas, kidney beans, pinto beans, kidney beans, navy beans, as well as lentils and soy milk. All dairy products are high in acid, including, of course, ice cream and ice milk. All nuts and butters made from nuts are high in acid, such as peanut butter and tahini. All liquors that contain alcohol are acidic, including beer. Beer has a pH of 2.5, while soft drinks or sodas approach a pH of 2. Overloading your body with those beverages could have a serious negative effect on your body’s ability to deal with the toxin that destroys the oxygen. Condiments like ketchup, mustard, vinegar, and pepper are also acidic. Some foods such as Brazil nuts, cashews, corn, cottage cheese, green tea, honey, fava beans, potatoes, organic milk, pumpkin seeds, squash, sunflower seeds, tomatoes, and Yogurt may seem alkaline, but they are great producers of acid in the body. Body.

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