Essence of malayalam music

Malayalam Music is an ancient form of Indian music that is exemplified by its unique instrumental rhythms. It belongs to the state of Kerala whose cultural heritage and philosophical values ​​are embodied in music and songs. Just as the state is known for its magical wonders regarding scenic beauty and allure of nature, so too is the allure and magic of Malayalam music. Kerala’s wondrous beauty and cultural heritage is deeply rooted in outstanding music and songs.

The traditional form of Malayalam music is Sopana Music or Sopana Sangeetam which was influenced by the Bhakti Cult Movement which took place in Kerala. This form clearly expresses the feelings and different moods of the singer or actor. Then the melam form was introduced which is mainly performed during festivals and temple rituals. After that many other genres were introduced with the introduction of new musical instruments and advancements in the music industry.

Some of the common types popular today are popular, pop, rock, hip-hop, and movie songs. Folk songs have beautiful lyrics with amazing beats and rhythms and are mostly characterized by the lifestyle or profession of some well-known or well-known personality. ‘Pulayas’ is one of those whose lifestyle, profession and beliefs are widely acclaimed in loads of Malayalam folk songs. Plenty of these songs are also attributed to Malayalam literature, including the popular Vatakkan Pattukal and Thekkan Pattukal, which deal with a variety of themes and expressions. Many of the popular songs are originally poems that are beautifully transformed into melodious songs with increased energy and dynamism.

With the growing popularity of this music genre, Malyalam movie songs also became popular on the charts. There are many movies whose popularity revolves around hit numbers. Movie soundtracks are mind-blowing and keep viewers calm yet energized before the screen.

Modern styles like rap, rock and hip-hop music have also influenced the Malayalam genre in a great way. Fused with westernization, the form of music has become even more rock and amazing. Every time songs play, listeners are drawn to the dance floor or forced to tap their feet to the energetic musical rhythms.

Chitra, Sreekumar, Yesudas and Jayachandran are the iconic Malayalam singers who have created their own prominent place in the industry. The introduction of the Internet has made reaching a large number of songs easier, convenient, and comfortable. Popular numbers sung by these singers are available for free download from various online sources.

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