Fashion Tips for Curvy Women: How Curve-Tastic Women Can Embrace Your Style

The forms of women are changing. There is no denying that in the Western world, the average size of women is larger now than it was 40 years ago. But being a size larger doesn’t mean you have to dress casual or look scruffy. There are famous plus size models and rock stars who ooze glamor and sex appeal. Here are some tips that can help you dress well too.

When we have curves or are self-conscious about a specific area, we generally tend to cover it up by wearing something quite loose. So we combine a loose top with a loose skirt. But instead of hiding the turkey rolls, we actually ended up looking like a ham!

Combine outfits to enhance your curves

So the secret is this: wear a form-fitting top OR bottom to flatter your curves and create some shape. In essence: if an item is tight at the top, keep it looser at the bottom, and vice versa.

You may have a top and skirt that are fabulous individually, but worn together they don’t work. If you wear a baggy top with a baggy skirt, it will lack shape.

Instead, you should choose a tighter but not too tight top with a looser skirt. Now you can instantly see your great curves and yet nothing is seen that you don’t want to show. On the other hand, if you choose a loose blouse or top, you’ll want to make sure you have a tighter skirt at the bottom or maybe a pair of straight leg jeans.

Choose flattering skirts

Another hurdle for many curvy women is choosing the right type of skirt that camouflages major trouble spots. They are usually hips, buttocks and thighs.

One of the most common misconceptions is the notion that an A-line skirt will help cover the hips and thighs. But be careful, this is only true up to a point. Not all skirts are the same!

For example, a bad skirt would be stiff and billow into a distinctive wide A-line. It gets worse if the fabric doesn’t fall from your hips or if it has pleats that don’t fit your figure well.

In contrast, a good A-line skirt would be made of a soft, flowing fabric that feels “heavy” but not stiff. It would not be too wide and would not have any puckering or excess fabric. It should fall flatteringly from the hip.

So whether you’re dressing for a special occasion like a date or a night out, or simply dressing for the office or a casual day out with the family, consider these tips and keep yourself looking great!

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