Great conversation tips for a first date

So you spent days in front of her college with flowers in hand, flirted with her enough and more, and helped your own grandmother across the street almost every day for the last month in an effort to impress her, and it worked. You finally have your first date.

So, you’ve flirted with your friend’s friend long enough, given him enough hints, and he’s finally asked you out.

You plan and plan and plan: you carefully decide on a place that is absolutely perfect, you choose a dress that shows your eyes perfectly, you buy flowers, chocolates, greeting cards, you practice blinking in the mirror, you comb your hair perfectly and smooth your dress for the umpteenth time. once while you wonder if it’s right for the occasion.

But there is a small problem, a problem that will make all this preparation useless if not handled properly. What do you say on a first date?

Most people, especially if they have prepared too much or have waited too long, are almost dumbfounded on their first date, causing all their efforts to vanish faster than their tears.

If you don’t want this to happen to you, remember these really important tips. We do not promise you love forever, but we can guarantee you a second date.

First: talk about the other person. You know, don’t you, that the most interesting topic for a person is himself. Well, put it to good use. Ask him questions about himself; what they do, why they do what they do, if they like animals… and don’t just show interest, be interested.

Second: This one is especially for the guys. Write it down and remember it: pick up lines don’t work. Try to use a sense of humor instead. Girls love funny guys, even wacky ones, up to a point. Try to be silly and sophisticated at the same time (it’s easier than it looks, actually). And for the girls: laugh at their jokes, but please not at all of them. Even he doesn’t think it’s that funny.

Third: Be classy and smart, or at least sound classy and smart: brush up on the history of some rare wines, discover great music (excludes death metal), and learn how to pronounce ‘blancmange’. And find out what it is.

Oven: about congratulating – do not exaggerate. Commenting on how good she looks is fine, but please never say something like ‘nice dress’. It will look great next to my bed. Just stick to what you know. But pay a compliment, please. Congratulate him on the choice of place, if he has brought you flowers, tell him how much you like them, buy him flowers, smile a lot and end with a flourish: “I had an amazing time.”

That is all. If you follow these tips, you can be sure that even if they don’t get carried away, they will have fun. The rest is up to you. Move along; enchant them with the wonder that you are!

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