High-protein diets and risk of dehydration

Dehydration is more than just the feeling of being thirsty, although doctors are quick to remind patients that once they have felt thirsty, it is too late; they are already well on the day of dehydration. The real condition of dehydration is an abnormal loss of body fluids which can be due to various reasons. While low-level dehydration can be remedied at home and usually does not cause any long-term harm, moderate to severe dehydration can cause an electrolyte imbalance that can lead to a number of other more serious problems, including:

– Irregular heartbeat

– Shock

– Acidosis (depletion of the body’s alkaline reserve which in turn can lead to acidemia)

– Acute uremia (a clinical syndrome related to kidney failure)

– Possibility of death, especially in infants, the elderly and people in poor health.

The average woman loses about three pints of fluid each day in urine, a variable additional amount in stool, and another two pints from the combination of perspiration and expiration. Extra fluids may be lost each day due to increased heat, increased activity, and through mild bouts of diarrhea and vomiting. In most cases, these additional losses will cause the body to react by feeling thirsty and with a dry mouth, especially the lips and tongue. Drinking extra fluids, especially those with electrolytes in them, can replace this lost fluid without physical consequences. However, if the fluid deprivation is severe enough or prolonged, it will become more severe and medical intervention will quickly be necessary.

A high-protein diet, especially when used by an endurance athlete, can be problematic for a number of reasons, including the increased risk of severe dehydration. A moderate increase in protein intake can be beneficial for the athlete in training; however, once it increases dramatically, the risk of severe dehydration also increases. Studies have shown that three out of four Americans may be chronically dehydrated to begin with. A small loss of body fluid, as little as 2-3%, can have a negative impact on cardiovascular health and athletic performance.

The many roles of proteins in the body

Most people think that the only function of protein is to build and repair muscle and that’s it. These same people also think that protein is a magic item that you can eat all you want and never get fat, but that is not correct either. Protein can be stored in the body as fat if you eat more than you need; that myth has been destroyed time and time again. Protein is also much more important than it is often credited with, including some very vital functions that can be adversely affected by dehydration. These functions include:

– Maintain the pH balance of the blood.

– Formation of enzymes and hormones.

– Plays a role in the immune system.

– Connective tissue accumulates

– Forms cell membranes

– Plays a role in the central nervous system

– Helps maintain fluid balance in the body.

Acidemia is abnormal acidity of the blood that can be caused by several factors, including increased lactic acid in the muscles (increased build-up of lactic acid is what causes pain after intense training). Another cause of this condition is prolonged and severe dehydration, especially when caused by intense athletic effort, for example, a strength or endurance-training athlete.

Extreme protein and decreased hydration in athletes

A study of endurance athletes showed that a diet with an average to moderate increase in protein was acceptable, but that once intake reached what could be considered “high,” the risks of dehydration increased dramatically. Using 150 pounds as the average weight for the study, the participants were divided into three groups. The first group, the “low” protein group, received a diet that provided approximately 68 grams of protein per day. The second group, the “moderate” group received about 123 grams of protein per day and the third group, the “high” protein group received 246 grams of protein per day, the total representing approximately 30% of their daily calories. an amount that is consistent with the average high protein diet.

At the conclusion of the study, the researchers found that as the protein level increased, the hydration level dropped. Standard blood tests also showed some troubling results. The blood urea nitrogen (BUN) level was abnormal, showing that there was a decrease in kidney function. Urinalysis showed that increased protein level also leads to more concentrated urine.

Too much protein in the diet can be harmful to both the endurance athlete and the average person. The right amount of protein must be found and maintained for everyone. Increased protein can also lead to:

– Decreased levels of glycogen in the muscles and liver, which leads to dehydration as glycogen helps the muscles retain water.

– Decreased resistance.

– A decreased maximum effort

– Decrease in serum glucose levels.

The American Heart Association recommends that your diet contain no more than 35% of your daily calories from protein, a safe amount for anyone, including elite athletes. There are some medical conditions that should receive higher amounts of protein, however those people should only do so on the advice of their own doctors.

The best suggestion to prevent dehydration

Protein is vital for everyone from the TV addict to the weekend warrior to the marathon master, but everyone needs different amounts and levels of protein. Finding the right amount for your owner’s personal health and activity needs is very important, however there’s also a go-to caveat to everyone: Drink more fluids, whether you’re increasing protein or not.

Unless you have a fluid restriction from your doctor, you should drink enough fluids every day. (An advantage of drinking enough water is the possible weight loss; many people mistake thirst for the feeling of water and eat when all they needed was a glass of water.)

How Protein Supplements May Fit

Although the suggestion of adding extra protein to the diet is not the goal, finding the correct amount is. A protein supplement, especially one that has additional vitamins and other benefits, can be a good way to reach that intake goal without consuming a lot of extra calories to do so. For the elite athlete, a quick protein supplement can make a great snack between meals or it can serve as part of the post-workout recovery process.

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