home remedies for strep throat

Are there home remedies for strep throat?

That depends on what you want to say. There are many ways to lessen the symptoms of strep throat, but none to cure it.

Strep throat is a specific type of sore throat caused by group A streptococcus. Some patients get very sick with this infection, while others do not have any sore throat. A young child with a fever, stomach pain, and a sandpaper-thin rash on the abdomen may have strep throat but not even complain of a sore throat. Typically, a patient will have red, swollen tonsils and tender swollen glands. Sometimes strep throat causes white spots on the tonsils or small red spots on the roof of the mouth.

Why should a person see a doctor for strep throat? The danger of group A strep throat is the risk of rheumatic heart disease, which sometimes damages the heart valves. Once damaged, heart valves can become a lifelong problem. Damaged heart valves can cause shortness of breath, leg swelling, and sometimes even wheezing.

If you have the symptoms of strep throat listed above, you should see your doctor. If your symptoms are milder, especially if your sore throat seems to be just part of a cold, it can be safely treated at home.

Patients often forget that sore throats can be treated with pain relievers. Paracetamol, naproxen, and ibuprofen can greatly reduce discomfort. Aspirin will also be used, but should not be used in children under the age of 18 due to the risk of Reye’s syndrome.

It’s a good idea to avoid foods with sharp edges, like potato chips. Soft foods, like ice cream and mashed potatoes, are easier to swallow. Acidic foods like orange juice or lemonade can irritate the throat, as can spicy foods. Cold drinks are calming for many patients, as are warm liquids like chicken soup or hot tea.

Gargling with warm salt water can reduce swelling and pain, but for some people (like me) it causes gagging. Warm tea tastes better and can work just as well.

Throat numbing lozenges relieve superficial irritation, but often the pain is in the deeper tissues or glands of the neck. This deep pain responds best to the pain relievers mentioned above.

My favorite treatment is a hot bath and a warm bed. Sufficient sleep and rest allow the body to heal.

Since strep throat is contagious for 24 hours after starting an antibiotic, and since colds are also contagious, do yourself and your co-workers a favor and stay home for a day or two.

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