How To Enhance Your Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training With A prenatal Yoga Teacher Training Intensive

Your Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training

The Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training Institute (PYTIM) has just received accreditation for its 10th anniversary. This is an ideal time to commit to becoming a prenatal yoga teacher. This intensive Prenatal Weekend intensive is extremely informative, fun and packed full of vital information to assist you launch from the exciting world of yoga to prepare you for the rewarding new role as certified prenatal yoga instructor. This is your first time that this highly specialized, professional teacher training module will ever be offered in New Zealand.

The Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training Institute’s goal is to teach all parents the fundamental methods and benefits of restorative and dynamic meditation, along with the ancient science of yoga practice. Restorative yoga practice is based on a simple yet powerful concept; our minds and bodies are continuously connected. That is why the treatment of pain is always through pain-free linking with the whole body. Through this innovative teacher training program, you will receive a comprehensive overview of the restorative healing methodologies of the world’s oldest and most trusted therapies. This includes exclusive access to the practices and philosophy of the art of Viniyoga, renowned Maitreya Yoga teacher Sonal Chokarma’s therapeutic teachings, and much more.

Yoga Alliance Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training

During the Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training Intensive, you will learn three of the most important elements of restorative yoga – Niyama, Chariotasana and Pranayama. These three components are key components of the entire body-centered relaxation and rejuvenation system. As a student of the art of prenatal yoga, you will learn the subtle and deep interplay between the breath, the movements, the muscles and the skeleton. Your understanding of the importance of Niyamas will deepen your understanding of Chariotasana, and finally allow you to appreciate the depth of Pranayama. Through the course of the three day intensive, you will not only be able to deeply relax your body but will also be able to apply this new knowledge of body centering to the emotional and mental state of your child.

How To Enhance Your Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training With A prenatal Yoga Teacher Training Intensive

The Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training Institute is very fortunate to have the support of the famous yoga teachers like Sundaram, Vimala and Sushmananda. These three masters have a wealth of experience and wisdom about the connection of body and mind through yoga. Sundaram has a background in tantra and he is a master of Vimala and Sushmananda. His dynamic style and clear messages make him extremely influential and exciting to many students of yoga teachers.

Other highlights of the Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training Intensive include learning about various stages of labour, how to identify prenatal pain, various stages of sleep, different yoga postures for women during pregnancy and how to access Kundalini energy. All this is combined with a vigorous series of core strengthening exercises, breathing exercises, meditation and movement. As you progress, you will learn about various stages of labour, and then move on to how to identify and treat early signs of labour. Once you complete the entire course, you will be given the opportunity to take part in the renowned Pre-natal Yoga Teacher Training Alliance (Pattaya).

If you are looking to take part in an intense weekend of learning, relaxation and revitalization, consider taking part in the Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training Alliance (Pattaya). This holistic health care and healing centre offers courses tailored to fit the needs of all clients. To start, a comprehensive orientation course for all levels of practitioners is available. Then, you will work with a team of experienced instructors who will guide you through the various stages of labour as well as instruction on Kundalini and other tantric techniques. You will then take your first childbirth class where you will receive intensive instructions from the most skilled yoga teachers in the world. Your facilitator will then support you every step of the way including giving you a post-natal yoga certification upon successful completion of your course.

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