How To Make Money With Sugar Daddy Dating Sites – Eight Point Guide For Smart Sugar Babies

So, did you find yourself a sugar daddy but aren’t 100% satisfied with the financial aspect of the deal, or just want to try your luck and see how much more you can get out of the relationship? The good news is that you’ve got the right guy – sugar daddies know that they are expected to be generous and spend lavishly on their lovers. You may just need to use a few sneaky tricks to get them to spend more.

Dating a Recently Divorced Sugar Daddy

The idea is that he will want to show off his flashy new girlfriend to his ex-wife and will be willing to spend on dresses, jewelry, etc. Try to “accidentally” mention that his ex might get jealous if she sees you with him. If he takes you somewhere his ex can see you, look your absolute best, hold on close to your sugar daddy and smile a lot, let him know it works.

Go to the gym together and be suitably surprised by your strength

That’s sneaky, but giving him some compliments can go a long way. Watch closely to see if he’s trying harder or gaining weight after you’ve praised him; if you do, it means you bought the compliment. Grab his arms from time to time and give him a good squeeze.

It’s all about the way you ask

Put on a short miniskirt, something sexy and adorable before you start asking you for money or gifts; he needs to see you at your best and be aware that he is spending money on “the best”.

Ask for financial advice

A sugar daddy will know how to manage his money or he won’t get rich in the first place. Ask him politely if he can give you any advice on where to invest, stock portfolios, and annual returns. Most likely, it will help you set up a good investment bank and put some money down “to get you started.”

Admire your car, plasma TV, or any expensive gadget you own

The idea is, of course, to get him to buy you something expensive. Learn a bit about (say) sports cars and ask what type of engine, torque, etc. He has his favorite car… Keep it up and in a month you’ll be driving yours.

Cook a big meal for him… and run out of milk

The idea is that you look great and cook for him at home, but suddenly you have to run out to do the shopping… could you borrow his golden credit card, yours just expired? Come out and have fun!

Complain about your cell phone, TV, microwave… Anything

He will see a great opportunity to buy you a new gadget and make his sugar baby happy. Depending on how high you set your mark, you might get a huge plasma TV or the best cell phone you can find in the store. Make sure you’re excited about the gift so they know it made you happy and will do it again.

Talk about how much you miss your family

…and the family lives across the country. Furthermore, invite him to come with you and visit your relatives. He will most likely not be interested, but will provide you with a first-class round-trip ticket.

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