Have you ever been overwhelmed by old beliefs? When you test a new belief (for example, affirmations), it feels like you are masking what is already there. Like trying to redecorate a garbage-filled room.

I’m excited because I found a way to rewrite our future! The first step is to get rid of the clutter. You will finally enjoy affirmations and reaching your goals because all that mess will be out of your way. Ready to play and paint a new life? Let’s start with a clean canvas …

According to Dave Logan and Steve Zaffron’s book “3 Laws of Performance: Rewriting the Future of Your Organization and Your Life,” we can identify our stagnant beliefs and erase them. How do we do this? First we take a deep look at WHY we keep our fixed belief in motion. Why do we keep this alive when we know it is sabotaging our growth and who we CAN become.

Let’s do this step by step:

1. Ask What are the PAYMENTS? In other words, what are you gaining by replaying these stories over and over again? How are you benefiting from them? How do you think you are gaining by living with this belief?

For example, let’s say I tell myself that I’m fat. By doing this, my rewards are:

– I can eat whatever I want

– I don’t have to be responsible for others because I have to take care of myself

– I became lazy

– I can watch a movie or do whatever I want instead of using the time to exercise

– catches my attention or sympathy

– I don’t have to feel

– I don’t have to be responsible for my health.

– I don’t have to learn

– I can continue to tell my stories to others.

– I feel like I have the right to complain that I’m fat.

– And maybe for some strange reason, you feel that you have the reason to interact with others …

Just keep listing all the thoughts and statements that come up, don’t judge it … list them all until you have no more or experience that it is complete for you.

2. What are the COSTS? And list all the things that are coming your way that are hurting you. By counting and living this belief or fixed habit, how much is it costing you? How is it hurting you in your life?

For example, telling myself that I am fat:

– I’m damaging my own image.

– I create more hatred towards me and my body image.

– I’m getting lazier

– I look less

– I feel defeated

– I’m very tired

– I go out less

– I eat more

– I make poor food choices.

– I make more excuses

– I am moving away from my goal of achieving a healthier lifestyle.

– I am more afraid

– I’m sad

– I don’t like him, etc.

Again, keep listing all the costs until you have no more.

This will take as long as you need. Some people take only a few minutes to do this, while others take days. It is largely up to you whether it is a deep problem for you. The goal here is to get all the “THINGS” out so that you can see all the veils that hide these sabotaging thoughts pass by. Look at the whole perspective, at its bare core, and see why you keep doing what you’re doing up to this point. Until then, can we really cut the cord that binds us to these self-defeating thoughts, beliefs, and old habits?

When we become aware of all the reasons why we think we do these things, why we feel like we have to … we can finally reveal the truth as it is and see how damaging this habit or belief is to us and our progress. towards who we want to be. And finally cut the cord.