How to X-ray in Gimp?

Pictures and photographs with some special effects look interesting. And one of those effects is to generate an X-ray effect, this can be done in Gimp. To get an X-ray effect in gimp, let’s first see what gimp is. It is actually short for GNU Image Manipulation Program. Where, GNU is a Unix-like operating system. If you want an X-ray effect to be generated on your images and photos, you must have software that allows free image editing and is available on most operating systems and for all. The first step to having this effect on any image is to choose an image that you would like to have the effect on.

After you have the image at hand, you need to go to the gimp image editor and open the image of this image in it. When the image is placed in front of you on the screen, you can zoom in on the area you want to have such an effect. This will create a large image that will really help you get a clearer, larger view of the image. Therefore, target selection will be easy and accurate. Then go to the toolbox and select the Scissors tool and with this you can choose the target area on the image where the x-ray effect will be applied.

Then changing colors or having a colorful effect will also enhance your appearance. Go to the main menu and click on color. Many levels are shown in the dropdown list where you can choose the Levels tab. At this point a window will open asking you to adjust the color level. This adjustment can be done using the sidebar and continue to do so until you get a transparent effect.

This may not be the desired effect you may have thought of. It is not to worry. You can still tune it. To do this, you need to go to the Filter menu and apply the Gaussian and Sharpness tool and then adjust the Hue-Saturation and Brightness-Contrast from the color menu.

These changes after all this editing can be saved. Everything will be stored in the Gimp history. Anytime you feel like you want to restore your image, you can do it by going to history and doing it. In this way, the X-ray effect is done in Gimp and also without the help of Photoshop, which could have been expensive.

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