You don’t have to look at the results of the 2000 US Census to see how diverse our population is becoming. Just look around you. The complexion of your workplace, your market, and the street you live on is changing, and for most industries, a target audience will include non-native English speakers. As more people from other countries move and settle in the United States, the greater the need for all of us to broaden our definition and understanding of culture.

According to the American Immigration Law Foundation, US Census results show that immigration has become a “growth engine” in US metropolitan areas.”[Policymakers] they must reckon with a simple truth accepted by officials in states from Iowa to Utah and in cities from Albuquerque to Boston: immigration is a key source of long-term economic vitality….”

So what does this mean for you and your business? It means that communicating with your audience will likely require a greater understanding of different cultures and their respective languages. The English language is one of the most difficult to learn, and when native English speakers write it, they naturally use particular idioms from their language. This works well in many circumstances, but when your audience includes members of other cultures, it’s easy to miss understanding.

Write for a diverse audience

When writing for a diverse audience, write your first draft quickly and without editing so you can get your ideas or teaching points down on paper. Don’t worry too much about how your writing looks or sounds. Once you have your ideas on paper, start massaging the language. Look at what you are saying and ask yourself this about each sentence: If I were explaining this to a person who recently immigrated to this country, would they understand what I am saying?

Put yourself in the shoes of someone who has very little to no knowledge on the subject, and from that standpoint, look at what you’ve written. Look at the sentences you have used. Is their meaning translated or would only a native English speaker understand them? (In fact, “put yourself in the shoes of” in the first sentence of this paragraph is a good example of a common but abstract idiom.)

Tell a story. Many cultures use storytelling as a method of teaching and transmitting information. Storytelling appeals to most audiences, and we remember best through stories because they provide a concrete picture of the abstract.

Tips for intercultural communication

Speaking the same language can enhance cross-cultural communication, but to be most effective, it must also include a shared understanding in a shared context. When communicating across cultures, it is important to consider language variations within a cultural group, cultural variation within a language group, and variations in literacy levels. (The variation in literacy levels also applies to native English speakers, since 90 million Americans have low literacy skills.)

When communicating with other cultures, keep the following in mind:

o First identify your own cultural values. Recognize your cultural biases (we all have them) and think about your own attitudes.

o Show respect and listen carefully.

o Ask, don’t assume. Let people show you what they want and need to know.

o Keep in mind that people learn in very different ways: our experiences, upbringing, and environment influence how we perceive and process information.

Effective intercultural communication is an ongoing process. As you learn about the different audiences you serve, look for strengths, obvious and hidden, that exist in their cultures. You may find that what you thought was a communication liability is actually an asset.