Information about the solar system

The curiosity to know about the universe The Universe always prevails and why not the Universe is interesting. You should know that our Milky Way galaxy has millions of solar systems, one of which has its own whose center is the Sun Sun.

Sun The sun is the center of the solar system and this is the only source of light. Hydrogen is formed from hydrogen in the sun. Energy is generated from this process. Our sun is a medium-sized star.

You know that it only takes 8.3 minutes to reach the sun from the sun to the earth, but it takes 30 thousand years for the energy that is formed in the core of the sun to reach the surface of the sun?

There were 9 planets in our solar system, but after deep study, the planetary state was stripped of Pluto. The names of these planets are Mercury, Venus, Mars, Earth, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune. Of these, only 5 planets can be seen with the naked eye. Uranus and Neptune are far from Earth, so they cannot see them.

Earth Planet Earth is the most beautiful planet in your Soarmandal System and it is the only planet where there is life. The only satellite of our planet is the moon. Earth is also called the blue planet.

The system also has some dwarf planets like Pluto Planet Pluto Planet in Hindi is a seed planet. Pluto also first came into the category of planets, but it is also in orbit around the Varuna planets along with the orbiting Sun and is also very small in size.

There is also an Asteroid asteroid in our solar system, which is located between the planets Mars and Jupiter. This large number exists. They also revolve around the sun.

Meteorites are also found in our solar system and are of two types. There is a small meteorite that is destroyed by burning after entering our Earth’s atmosphere. The second is a large meteorite body that cannot fully burn when it enters Earth’s orbit and collides with Earth.

Comet Comet is also present in this one that revolves around the Sun. It is also called a caudal star and is made up of ice, dust and gases. Our solar system has a comet called Heli, which is visible every 76 years. It will now appear in 2062.

Solar system

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