Insight Meditation: How to Avoid Common Mistakes and Get Results

Insight meditation can be a powerful tool for deepening spirituality, solving problems, and developing strategic insights about one’s life. Insight meditation offers a popular form of illicit shifts in consciousness and self-understanding while reducing stress and enhancing feelings of happiness and joy. It can help you pave your way to success and happiness, especially if you learn to avoid common pitfalls.

Research shows that almost all schools or forms of meditation work just as well. Many of my clients have found that, over time, they will develop their own form of meditation. They will do it their way. But when you are about to learn to meditate, it is best to follow a good guide or work with a good teacher. The key is to jump in and do it.

New mental health research shows that meditation helps with trauma and can actually help the brain recover from bad experiences and restructure itself. If you learn meditation, you will have a powerful new tool to help you solve problems and achieve great success in your life.

Common pitfalls and anecdotes

1. wish

When we sit down to meditate, we often have an overwhelming need or problem to solve. We want an answer so badly we can barely stand it! Well, strong desire is one of the biggest barriers to successful meditation. We try to relax, but we’re tense inside. And nothing seems to come. Our emotions are so strong that we end up trying too hard. And nothing stops insight meditation in its tracks faster than trying too hard or being too eager to find a solution to our current problem.

How to fix it?

It is essential to enter a moment of meditation with a calm heart. This can be difficult when you feel restless or scared, and problems weigh heavily on your mind. The trick to a successful meditation is to let go of the desire, detach yourself from the problem, and patiently wait for the information you seek. A helpful tip is to do a progressive relaxation technique first, and once you feel relaxed enough to gain distance from the issue at hand, then transition into a meditative state.

Another technique is to sit quietly at rest and say your favorite mantra over and over again until you feel relaxed and at peace, and released from the problem. Then, once you feel deeply relaxed, you can focus your attention on the problem or question at hand.

Playing some relaxing music in the background often helps me meditate. Another trick I use is to stretch and get some exercise before I sit down to meditate. If you have a breathing technique that helps you calm down and relax, you can always use it to prepare for insight meditation and calm your heart.

personal advice

If I’m having trouble relaxing, I focus on my breathing, which will help me overcome the obstacle and move into a deeper, blissful state of mind and body.

Once you have relaxed, it will be quite easy to let go of your thoughts. If distracting thoughts come to you, simply wipe them away with an imaginary broom. If more distracting thoughts come up, just delete them. Soon you will feel deeply relaxed and can focus on the joyful aspects of your rich inner experience.

Once you have set your mind on the problem and identified it as an avenue for exploration, it is time to wait for a possible insight to arise in awareness. It can come in the form of images, words, gut impressions, and so on, so you must remain in a calm state of readiness… without rushing. The trance state should keep you deeply relaxed and at peace. Avoid getting anxious, pressured, or rushing the process. The information you are looking for will come to you when your inner mind sees fit. And there is no way to hurry. You must wait as long as necessary. Just sit quietly, be open and receptive to any information that may eventually rise from the depths.

2. Lack of time

This brings me to the second common pitfall or barrier to insight meditation, time. This one is certainly related to the first one.

People often feel that they don’t have enough time to meditate or learn to meditate. They try it when they are physically or mentally tired. It’s usually best not to force yourself to meditate when you don’t feel like it or are in a hurry. Wait for the right moment, or better yet, make time for meditation. I build time for meditation into my schedule…or it won’t happen!

Most people, no matter how busy they are, can find time to meditate. And we all need to solve problems sometimes!

Insight meditation is so valuable in so many ways, so wonderful and important that it deserved to find a way into our busy lives. You can always forgo a shopping trip or an evening of dinner to make time for meditation, or just finish an hour early one or two nights.


There are many good reasons to learn to meditate. Insight meditation will help you manage stress, improve your spiritual life, enjoy better relationships, and increase your success in countless ways. Meditation gives your body a well-deserved rest and gives your mind an avenue to share information with you. It often leads to powerful insights that no amount of analytical decision making can achieve. Many of my clients have found that meditation leads to insights and increased spirituality.

Over the years, I have taught some of my therapy and coaching clients basic meditation, and they have reported that it is one of the most influential techniques they have ever tried! A few years ago, I offered a meditation group to children, all of whom proved to be great learners. And each client grew in some significant way as a result of the meditation. Everyone can benefit from the simple and natural practice of insight meditation.

3. Incorrect reading or incorrect interpretation of the information

The most common mistake here lies in taking the information received from meditation literally, or trying to understand it in a linear way. Insight meditation results in symbolic information or insightful insights. It works like a dream.

For example, a dream about seeing a long-lost friend does not necessarily mean that this person is going to appear in your life. But you can suggest that you would like to see this person or that you need to reconnect with them, and it is time to call this person or try to find them.

Meditation can give you glimpses of understanding about your life, but they must be interpreted with care. When you are looking to learn to meditate, it is really essential to listen to the inner or core message. Symbols and images must be evaluated, after the meditation experience, according to their representative merit. Often we can also “feel” meaning by letting images speak to us.

How can you know if you are receiving valuable information? You may just want to remember the symbolic information that comes to you during meditation. You can analyze it later. Remember, it’s usually best not to take it literally, but to look for the symbolic message. Often, you will solve a problem by paying attention to an image, idea, or phrase that pops up in your inner mind.

In sum

If you want to improve the effectiveness of your insight meditation practice, remember to:

1. Overcome desire

2. Make time regularly

3. Avoid a literal interpretation

Whether you practice insight meditation or not, you will increase the success of your meditation by working with meditation on a regular basis. Learn meditation. It’s country! Simply doing so will help you solve problems and reach a new level of expertise. Regular meditation practice can really boost spirituality. Also, meditating feels wonderful! Meditation is a rewarding experience and makes you feel so good! If you want to learn to meditate or get more benefits from your current meditation practice, find a little more time to meditate and soon… you’ll be solving your problems, reaping amazing rewards, and enjoying a rich and fulfilling inner life.

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