Is Bubbly Urine A Sign Of Diabetes?

The appearance or smell of urine can give a person an indication of whether all is well with their health. Healthy, normal urine is light or pale yellow in color and has no odor. However, what happens when urine has bubbles and foam? Does that mean that something is wrong with the person and that they could be suffering from diabetes?

According to several studies conducted, bubbly urine does not need to be a sign of diabetes. However, this type of urine tends to increase the chances that a person will be diagnosed with diabetes. Therefore, bubbly urine could be due to diabetes, but it is not necessary to conclude that a person suffers from diabetes just because they have bubbly and foamy urine, as there are many causes for the formation of bubbles in urine.

Some of the causes of bubbling urine elimination are listed below:

Dehydration is one of the most common causes. When a person does not drink sufficient amounts of water, the body cannot produce normal amounts of urine. This causes bubbles to form and therefore the resulting urine, which is dark in color, will contain bubbles.

Controlling the urge to urinate often leads to the formation of bubbles in the urine when passing urine. This occurs when urine is forced out of the bladder after a person delays a visit to the bathroom.

Urinary tract infections are common causes of bubble formation in urine. However, along with the bubbles, the person will also experience pain and / or burning sensation when urinating. These infections are best treated after consulting a specialist to avoid complications.

Proteinuria is one more cause of bubble formation in urine. When the levels of protein in the urine are higher than normal, it is known as proteinuria. This condition occurs when the glomeruli are inflamed or damaged and therefore cannot filter protein. High protein urine reacts with air as it passes by and this reaction causes bubbles to form.

Therefore, noticing bubbles in your urine could be a sign of many health-related conditions and not just diabetes. If you are concerned, it is best to consult a doctor and have the appropriate tests. Your doctor would be the best person to inform you if you have diabetes. A simple fasting blood sugar test should allow your doctor to diagnose whether or not you are diabetic.

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