Italians and their pasta

No one can really tell where the pasta originated. Almost every country in the world has a version of this food. Wherever there is wheat, apparently there is pasta, in one form or another.

The Japanese refer to pasta as udon, the Chinese call it mein The French call it noodles, those who live in Poland refer to it as pierogi, The Germans say it is spaetzle, and the Siberians, pel’meni.

Italians boldly claim that pasta is all theirs from the start, having fed the poorer regions of southern Italy for hundreds of years. The smooth texture of the pasta is excellent. partner to all kinds of dressings, spices and sauces. It has also been attributed to many unique names, as Italians do not seem to be reluctant to give strings, ribbons, and other shapes by different names.

A fan of Italian food of yesteryear, whoever he was, blessed the pasta with his first name. maccheroni which is a derivation of the words my che charini I mean, “My God, what a dear.”

Today there are different types of pasta ranging from the humble snail (lumache), the coupleziti), little loves (amorini), to the only recipients of kissestira-baci). These are all flour and water blends reminiscent of the Italian way of life and all can be paired with ingenious sauces.

You would be surprised if there are more than three hundred names for a hundred different shapes of pasta. This, again, reflects the expansive nature of Italians and how they love variety in everything they do. For them, it is not enough that there crackpot gold bow paste. To give variety, there must also be small bows that are what is known as farfallette. The largest arches were named farfalloni.

All these descriptive words for a single food are no wonder when it comes to the lively nature of Italians. This is a nation that is known for its art and enthusiasm for life. Imagine how their government changes at least once a year and you will have a good idea of ​​who they are as a people.

Only a few people outside of Italy would understand the dramatic variations in pasta from region to region. History says a lot about this and also the Italian temperament. Despite the 1861 unification of 19 different regions, individualism persisted when it came to cuisine and culture. Sorrento’s Cliffside Restaurant is likely to offer Spaghetti Bolognese because it is close to the Mediterranean Sea. In Sicily it is not uncommon to find raisins with your pasta as this region was dominated by the Saracens for about two hundred years.

Generally speaking, southern pasta was traditionally made with a mixture of semolina, durum wheat, and water. This became the coarse flour that characterizes Southerners.

On the other hand, northern pasta is known to be softer as its pasta is made from white flour and eggs. Lavish toppings and sauces often come with this milder version.

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