Know your etheric self

Everything around us and the world we experience every day is made up of energy. It flows in and through our bodies. Without trying, we transmit and receive. Humans naturally absorb the energy of others, intentionally or not. It was Nikola Tesla who once said: “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.… “

Even the houses and dwellings we occupy can be permeated and saturated with human energy. When you move into a new home, there could be energy residues that are harmful to the health of the previous occupants. Have you ever walked into a place and felt ‘creepy’? That belongs to a natural law of attraction within our etheric world. Houses, workplaces, and other dwellings or places attract energy.

Is the place where you spend most of your time like a stream of fresh water or is it stagnant? The place where you work or live can be cleaned and the energy returned to being hygienic. Your energy can become contaminated in many ways, leaving a residue in your field that is not yours … This can upset the natural balance of your body because we naturally absorb the energy of others.

Not only do we use personal items and jewelry, but there are other things we use that also absorb and store energy. Used clothing and previously loved personal items should be cleaned of any residual energy first.

As human beings, we act as an antenna that transmits and receives energy through the body’s chakra system, which can become unbalanced and cause general health disturbance.

Also, whenever someone thinks of you with bad intentions, your energy can also be infused and polluted through the thought and feelings they have against you.

Raise your hands in front of your body with your palms facing each other. Focus on the space between your hands, about six inches apart. Inhale and exhale gently and be aware of your lungs filling with air. Inhale and exhale slowly reverently. Bring your hands together, one inch at a time. Then slowly return them to their original position. Repeat this half a dozen times and you will surely feel an energy field form between your hands. It can feel fluffy. You just energized that space. Human energy is like air, although it cannot be seen, it definitely exists.

Keeping it clean removes blocked energy, purifies your environment, and refines your personal vibration. Then the internal functions of your body respond positively. There are many ways to create and maintain a clean environment so that energy works with us in a positive way.

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