Libyan meeting of Barack Obama (in poetic prose)

It is in the dead of night, they are talking in Barack Obama’s meeting room about what is being called a riot! Emphasis on the word ‘Riot!’

They tell him that he can save them …

There are cold hugs: they tell Barack that if they don’t send the Seals just forty miles away, their curtains to them, that Seven will be part of the new dead!

“It’s just a riot,” he says.

“No,” exclaims a voice.

“It is a terrorist raid.”

Innocent Muslims cry and kiss, parade through the so-called riot which is actually a terrorist incursion.

For the last time, a voice yells “Send in the Navy Seals, they want to kidnap Ambassador Stevens-!”

“It is not a terrorist attack,” replies the rejection.

“The Naval Seals have volunteered to go rescue the Americans!” yells another voice.

“No, they must retreat!”

There is no more to say.

But more is said …

“Orders are orders,” the Seals area said.

“Why didn’t the president press the go button?” questioned Seal.

“Its water on the dam,” explains his partner.

Obama knew in an hour that the Americans were under siege!

Whispers of distant voices!

The Secretary of State could have sent help … Hillary Clinton; certain!

David Petraeus, the CIA could have done it too.

But, we are left with Barack Obama, who took Stevens breathless and took him to his hiatus, or is it doom! –

And then he went to bed.

And now all we can do is sniff among the dead.

And shout: ‘It’s water on the dam’ but some ask:

Where, who, why, how or, from, went, by, did and who kicked the dead ambassador, epilogue? And the cry is: innocent Muslims?

No: 4989 / 1-12-2016 by Dennis L. Siluk, Dr. Hc © 2016

Note and comment: President Obama is the worst president the United States has ever had in my life, in my opinion, and I am 68 years old. Hillary Clinton will simply be another Obama, if she becomes president. I have said this before Obama was first elected, and I know it will be of little use to say it again, but I will: I read today that 7 out of 10 Americans have regained their reason, he is how I have portrayed him. , destroying America, inch by inch. As long as people get carried away by their hearts and stomachs and not their thoughts and minds, the villains of politics will continue to get away with it! Trump is not as bad as many people think: Germany and France are feeling the results of his kindness to Islamic immigrants, like the United States. And Mexico is not an exception to the laws of the country, as they would like, protesting as invaders are invaders, neither more nor less, they want their rights, whatever they may be. Obama Care, on the one hand, is good, but sparkling, bad, and enriching the rich; it just doesn’t verbalize that part. Gun Control is the first step to absolute control, remove the weapons and so come the dictators. Every dictator wants to take the weapons away from the license holders. The tears that Obama shed for the children, too bad he didn’t shed some for the soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq, or for Mr. Stevens in Libya; But maybe he had a good tutor, Hillary, she’s a better actress than Shawn Penn.

We as Americans must be careful who throws the cats with the pigeons; Too many politicians today think that all of their voters are blind who do not know their baton, and many of us are, you may be reading this. We are weak in Europe (Russia is pulling pieces out of it, and what are we doing … we continue to negotiate); we are weak in China (China is taking over the South China Sea with small islands, provoking our warships, and what are we doing, still trading …), week with Iran (they just captured 10 of our sailors: how friendly they can be and we’re about to sign a deal with the devil; if they can do what they’re doing, what do you think they’ll do with the 20 billion we’ll release once the deal is signed … think America?) ; and we are weak on North Korea (we just let them have the H. Bomb, if I were Japan I would buy some for myself).

If you think Bush was bad, this guy took them all to hell. He gets the Nobel Peace Prize, on a whim, and keeps the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, for six long years (100 billion dollar bill), then sends weapons to Syria via Libya to fight against its president. Then you tell Africa that you will help fight the terrorist if they accept gay rights, a little blackmail with taxpayer money, isn’t that our servant? Or our Emperor? As for him claiming to be a Christian, how can that be, when you’re against all Christian values, as Trump has inferred: here’s a president for abortion, gay rights, gay marriages, giving a billion dollars to fund establishments that are selling unborn fetus parts for profit. Here is a man who says: hide your Bibles from the Americans who serve in the Middle East, from the soldiers who fight on your behalf, so that the Arabs will not be offended, but they have to bypass the Qur’an and give them tents. With air conditioner. . What kind of man is this? One would think that he was working on behalf of the next Antichrist; I hate to say that, but truth be told, he is not a Christian, yet he got the Christian vote and a PhD from a Christian College, when another state university turned him down, saying he didn’t qualify, what does that tell you? ? The weakness comes from the knees of Obama, who wants the United States to be like any other country, mediocre; How else can Russia, China, Iran and North Korea intimidate, unless the United States is weak? And as we all know, Obama has impeccable timing, as he had low numbers for his second presidential term, and he suddenly knew where Bin Laden was; I guess he knew from the beginning and put this ace up his sleeve, in his pocket. This weakness, and the reduction in America’s power around the world, will only foster a more rapid nightmare of an apocalypse. That is one of the reasons why there is a Global Seed Vault on the Svalbard Islands of the North Pole of the United States. And why in the Cheyenne Mountains in Colorado, the United States hides its center of air defense. Well, as I said in the poem “Barack Obama’s Libyan Meeting”, it is water on the dam. But let me leave you with an idiom: if you look only in the direction, your neck will stiffen. Barack Obama, too bad it wasn’t Mrs. Condoleezza Rice. DL Siluk

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