Magic Card Tricks Revealed – Easy and for Everyone

Probably every child in the world ever thinks about becoming a wizard. Whether it comes from watching master magicians like David Blaine or Criss Angel perform their amazing acts of street magic, or from reading one of the great fantasy novels, each and every one of us sometimes wishes we could learn magic tricks and have fun. while entertaining an audience. And while it may not be possible to do it like Harry Potter or Milamber, it’s easy to learn some cool card tricks if you follow the instructions and tips found on websites like ellusionist or other sources.

Magic card tricks are very easy to learn once you read a guide or someone explains it to you. For example, an easy card trick that won’t require any optical illusions or sleight of hand (which means it’s very simple) can be done like this: take a regular deck of cards out of your pocket, shuffle them, and have a spectator choose any card . , focus on it, place it on top of your deck and cut the cards, once you have done these steps surprise your friends by guessing the card on the first try. The secret behind this easy card magic is in the card below, as you finish shuffling the deck, take a look at it because once the deck is cut, that card will always land on top of your chosen card.

There are countless other card tricks revealed on the web, but that’s not the only variety of easy magic tricks you can perform. One of the favorites of the public around the world is levitation. Play with your friend’s mind or even try this on the street. You will need a piece of very thin clear string, a clear adhesive, and a light object such as a pen or pencil. Attach one end to the object and the other to the tip of your middle finger and gently lift your hand up, then with your other hand you can make it look like you are going through the gap between your hand and the object, thus showing that you are not attached . Just make sure that your hand is only a few millimeters behind the rope and that you are wearing a white shirt. Easy magic can also be done using coin tricks, card tricks and optical illusions, all you need is to put your mind to it and you can put on a great show for your friends and family or even on the street.

The likes of Criss Angel use much more advanced optical effects and have gained most of their success doing free magic on the streets, and they know how to keep their audience interested by playing with illusions. But even they wouldn’t have gotten anywhere with card magic tricks if revealed card tricks hadn’t been so easy. Card magic tricks are a great way to learn magic and you should start with them first.

Once you see the card tricks revealed, their secrets will be yours and as long as you practice a lot, there’s no card trick you can’t do. Professional magicians may not be so happy to see their secrets revealed, but from time to time one will display their skills for the purpose of sharing their knowledge with future generations. That ensures that the magic of the cards is revealed to the apprentices and their legacy can continue.

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