Mention of Satan as Bolon Yokte in Mayan hieroglyphics

We find mention of a deity called Bolon Yokte in ancient Maya hieroglyphics, sometimes mentioned in the plural and sometimes alone. Who is this deity related to The Nine? They have been translated differently as the God of Nine Steps, the God of Nine Feet, or the Tree of Jaguar Feet, and the Tree of Nine Dogs. They were considered to live in the Xibalba underworld and were generally depicted as gods of conflict, war, and are therefore linked with dangerous transition times, social unrest, eclipses, and natural disasters such as earthquakes. It is said that at the end of a baktun, they would leave their underworld realm and appear on the Earth’s surface to fight the 13 heavenly deities. Bolon Yokte is thought by some scholars to be his title and no one knows his real name.

In 2009, Michael Grofe published an essay titled The Name of God L: Bolon Yokte’ K’uh? In which he pointed out that the right panel of the sanctuary of the Temple of the Cross in Palenque (one of the pibnaahs), shows an image of God L, the cigar-smoking Lord of the Underworld, in which he carries the “skeletal centipede” . , and that nine footprints are clearly shown on it. He concludes that God L and Bolon Yokte (the God of Nine Steps) could be the same deity, and that Bolon Yokte could be a group of deities who together are the Lords of the Underworld.

Various inscriptions suggest that this Mayan god was associated with war, conflict, and the underworld, but also with creation. He is connected to the World Tree, the Mayan symbol of the Milky Way. He is mentioned in several Mayan inscriptions. In one inscription, he appears to be interacting with a deified crocodile-tree, the symbol of the Milky Way.

His presence at the moment of Creation

John Major Jenkins (author of Mayan Cosmogenesis 2012) says, “In addition to symbolizing war, conflict, and the underworld, Bolon Yokte is a god who is often present during the events of Creation.

It has appeared in the vase of the seven gods, one of the gods present during the creation of our current world!

From Ancient Aliens The Star People of Ancient Maya-timeline=30:57

Erich von Deniken: Bolon Yokte Ku was one of the Mayan gods that was present at the creation of man.

Georgio Tsukolos: Who was this Bolon Yokte? According to only fragmentary documents that have survived, he was always described as someone with great powers who had the ability to fly and had incredible knowledge about the universe.

Edwin Barnhart, Phd—Archaeologist-Director, Maya Exploration Center: The god Bolon Yokte is not a very well understood god. He is sometimes associated with texts that speak of the beginning of creation back in 3114 B.C. C. and we see it in some context that seemed to be related to the war.

Georgio Tsukolos: There is another reference to Bolon Yokte in Palenque in temple 14 where it is clearly stated that Bolon Yokte appeared on earth over 900,000 years ago. (Was this period calculated in the sacred year of 260 days?) And why would anyone in his right mind record a date that goes back more than 900,000 years? Well, something happened, something very significant and according to the ancient texts, it is when Bolon Yokte descended to earth from the sky.

Markus Eberl (Tulane University, New Orleans, USA) and Christian Prager (University of Bonn, Germany) wrote an essay called “Bolon Yokte K’u – Maya Conception of War, Conflict, and the Underworld,” they wrote in summary:

Bolon Yokte Ku’s Identification on the “Vase of the Seven Gods” (K2796) underscores his importance as one of the gods who were present during the creation of the present world.

Was Bolon Yokte Satan himself?

According to the Chilam Balam (Mayan Sacred Books) this god challenged god L (the great god) and asked the other gods for help to defeat him and eventually lose that war. This is more like the great war in heaven in which Satan was defeated by God’s army.

A quick analysis of the creation narratives of the world’s three major divine religions suggests that if this god was present at the time of human creation, then it must be the same Satan when he was called Azazil in the heavens because , he was the only person, except for angels, present at the time of Adam’s creation.

Ayah 34 of Qur’an chapter 2 describes the presence of Satan at the time of Adam’s creation

And (remember) when I said to the angels: “Prostrate yourselves before Adam.” And they prostrated except Iblis (Shaytan), he refused and he was proud and he was one of the disbelievers (disobedient to Allah). (2:34)

In fact, many things were created before the creation of Adam and perhaps Azazil saw many creation events.

Satan landing on Earth with an army of angels to deal with the rebellion.

Georgio Tsukolos: There is another reference to Bolon Yokte in Palenque in temple 14 where it is clearly stated that Bolon Yokte appeared on earth over 900,000 years ago. (Was this period calculated in the sacred year of 260 days?) And why would anyone in his right mind record a date that goes back more than 900,000 years? Well, something happened, something very significant and according to the ancient texts, it is when Bolon Yokte descended to earth from the sky.

Does this text represent Satan landing on Earth with Angels to fight the rebels who caused the bloodshed on earth?

To deal with these rebels, according to three divine religions, Islam, Judaism and Christianity, Almighty God sent an army of angels led by a genie named Azazil (later called ‘the Satan’ after being cursed and banished from heaven by Almighty God). They fought with those rebels and ended their rebellion by banishing them from the nether land and driving them out into the desert, mountains and islands.

There are obvious and undeniable similarities between Bolon Yokte and The Satan. It is quite possible that the Maya god, Bolon Yokte, was in fact Satan himself and other lesser gods were allied with him in subduing mankind.

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