Metal and Wood Baby Furniture – Pros and Cons

Are you looking for baby furniture and want to know the pros and cons of wood and metal? With so many options available, doing a little research can really help you determine which is the best option for your home. While so much metal and wood baby furniture is pretty, will it fulfill all the functions you have in mind for it? Hopefully this article can answer some of those questions and give you a clearer picture of what your needs and wants are for your dream nursery.

Advantages of wood:

* Styling Options! One of the obvious reasons wood is a zealous choice is because there are so many options for styles and finishes. With crib brands like DaVinci, you can get anything from a light natural finish to a dark or black espresso and everything in between. Stanley’s Young America furniture takes design a step further and comes in just about any color you can think of, like pink, green, blue and purple. In the style section, all available designs are now available for wooden baby furniture. Take whatever theme you have in mind and you’ll find wood furniture to match. Retro, Modern, French, Classic, Traditional and much more!

* Functionality! In today’s baby crib market, you can buy a baby bed and have it last the lifetime of your child. The DaVinci and Storkcraft brands offer wooden convertible cribs that can be transformed into up to four different bed sizes. Most of the time there are additional pieces that you will need, but what saving time and money to get a bed that your baby can use as long as she wants? Not only is it beneficial to the family, but it has a profound impact on the planet by helping with deforestation.

* More storage selections. Choosing wood will increase your storage options. Cabinets, dressers, and dressers are not readily available in metals. DaVinci has a matching dresser and changing table in almost any size that you can use as a changing table for the early years, then you can simply remove the changing table and use it as a dresser full time throughout their childhood.

Pros of metal:

* Exclusive elegance! No one can deny the fashion statement a stylish metal crib makes in a nursery. Opulent scrolled iron cribs like the Corsican and Little Miss Liberty offer unparalleled sophistication. In particular, metal cribs are now offered in various themes and colors. You can get bunnies, horses, and teatime finishes with the iron post cribs that really tie in a nursery theme.

* Durability. Of course, a metal crib will be more durable than a wooden one. If you’re looking for a solid, simple crib that can work with many different themes, LA Baby has taken its industrial-grade cribs that were previously only available to professional places like hospitals and daycare centers and opened them up for parents. These cradles have robust hardware and focus on resistance against issues.

Cons of wood:

* Not as strong as metal. Wood is definitely durable or most furniture wouldn’t be wood, but when compared to metal… metal will definitely win. You always run the risk of scratching the paint and finishes are easier with wood. To make sure wood furniture retains its new look, you can get furniture markers that match the finish for when touch-ups are needed.

Cons of metal:

* Selection. If you have a very luxurious, vintage-style nursery in mind, getting a luxurious iron crib will really set the stage! But aside from vintage and classic, you’ll be hard-pressed to find other styles in metal furniture. You’ll also have a hard time finding other metal baby furniture to match the theme of your crib and nursery. If you go for the industrial design, you can get lots of colorful pieces that you can use for storage, but you won’t find metal baby furniture in categories like full-size dressers and cabinets. You can combine wooden furniture with a metal crib if you get furniture with coordinating metal knobs.

* Price. These wacky metal cribs can cost a pretty penny! Their intricate designs and solid frames are expensive to make and only last for one stage. Many parents choose iron cribs for the heritage factor and then buy big boy furniture and pass the crib down from generation to generation. Metal cribs are generally more of a sentimental investment than something you’ll buy for their functionality and overall versatility.

final thoughts

There is no doubt that both metal and wood have their positive and negative aspects! You have to determine what your wants and needs are and get the best fit. Metal is a smart choice for sheer luxury and heritage quality or as a contemporary industrial setting for sleeping with amazing crib features. Wood, on the other hand, can be found in designs that are diverse and useful at any stage of your child’s life. They stand up to wear but will require minor maintenance over the years. You can find wooden baby furniture in any theme, price, style, and color so you can create whatever nursery decor you have in mind.

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