Norse God Meditation Magic

The first is the first. Let me define my terms so that we leave a solid base to understand each other.

There is a Norse / Germanic pantheon of gods and goddesses called the “northern gods or“ Norse gods. ”The main gods / goddesses of the pantheon are Odin, the Alfather, Frigga the Almighty, Thor his son; Frey and Freya, the twin Gods , Tyr the brave God.

There are more, but for the moment we will talk about meditating with the male Norse gods; Odin, Thor, Tyr and Frey.

Now what do I mean by meditation? Meditation is not a passive act as some gurus preach. This is very dangerous. Your mind is very powerful and to open the rakes that protect it, mainly your conscience, is to invite danger and even possession to your mental castle.

Meditation should be a formal exercise in which you know exactly what you want to do and where you want your mind to go. Thoughts are things and what you touch with your mind you draw into your Aura. And what you carry in your aura helps create your physical reality.

The laws of quantum physics tell us that EVERYTHING is ENERGY. You are energy, your thoughts are energy, the North Pantheon of Gods in Energy.

These laws also tell us that everything that ever was, is, or will be, exists in an infinite ocean of thought, intelligent energy called the Quantum Ocean.

Northern Mythology called it ‘Well of Mimir’. The Gods and Goddesses of the North exist in the Quantum Ocean and have always existed there because there is no time; there is only the Now.

So when you meditate on one of the Gods of the North, your mind reaches out (as there is no space on the Mental level) and touches that particular God.

When mental contact is established, energy flows between you and God.

The whole idea of ​​this Norse God Meditation Magic is to attract the energies of a particular God that brings them into your Aura.

You really don’t want to be Odin. But you want to draw the wisdom and inspirational energies of Odin into your Aura and thus become wiser.

You don’t really want to become Thor, but you want to bring Thor’s power and protection into your life. If you want to attract Courage, invoke Tyr in your life.

Finally, if you want more masculinity and virility in your life, what you want is Frey. Oh, I almost forgot, what is magic?

Magic is the movement of energies from one place to another without any physical means.

In this case your magic will be directed by your mind to move energies from the Quantum Ocean (Mimirs well) into your aura. The energies that you bring into your Aura will become your physical reality.

Here is the exercise.

Sit comfortably in your chair, preferably early in the morning when the chatter and noise from the outside world is quiet. If you have an impression of the northern gods, it will help you, but it is not necessary. Remember that what you see with your eyes you also “touch” and attract.

Look at Odin’s footprint, focus on it. Then take a deep breath and mentally say, “Now I am inhaling Odin’s wisdom from the Quantum Ocean (Well of Mimir) into my Aura.”

Feel the flow of energy. See it with your mind. Golden spirals of energy filling your Aura.

Do this three times and then get up and go about your daily business. Do it daily and slowly but surely you will get wiser and wiser. It is the Law of Quantum Physics and Mental Magic.

Now Thor, “I am now inhaling the power and protective energies of the quantum ocean (the well of Mimir) and into my Aura.” Do this three times while viewing or looking at your image of Thor.

Now Tyr. “I am now inhaling the brave energy of Tyr, out of the Quantum Ocean (Well of Mimir) and into my Aura.” 3 times.

Frey, “I am now inhaling the masculine energies of Frey from the Quantum Ocean (Well of Mimir) into my Aura. 3 times.

Do this every day and you will become wiser, stronger, braver, and more masculine and virile. This is known as structural knowledge. Knowledge that you can use in your daily life.

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