One Life – One Love – Brothers and Sisters – One Energy

Living As One – In Peace and Love

Living as one, because everything is from one creation, one creator, one source and we are all part of the great ONE. This is an ideology, you can say. In the ideal world this could be possible. This is what you’re thinking, right? What if I said that it is possible right now, right here, as long as we brothers and sisters in humanity put our pride and selfishness totally out of the picture? It doesn’t matter that each one of us is unique, we are all ONE creation, we coexist together and we are all made of the same energy; atoms We are not mutually exclusive of nature, Mother Earth, the Universe; we were created to live together in a life of love, not a life of selfishness and pride.

mutual inclusion

Everything and everyone is and is mutually inclusive in this life. Is there any doubt about this? Can humanity assume that it is above everything? All matter is life. All life, even rocks and what we may call “dead”, is alive and everything, living or inane, is made of the same substances. And we all survive on the provisions that are given to us questionably by a Mother Earth and the Universe, Mother Nature. One could always think: “In the bigger scheme of things, what am I, who am I?” Well, if you reason logically, I am absolutely nothing compared to the Universe. In this scenario I am like a grain of earth on a thousand acres of land. Maybe not even. You are just one part of the wonderful creation that exists omnipotently and eternally as intended by our only Creator, God. Each of us has a role to play in the Grand Scheme of Things. If we choose to participate with love, life will be so much sweeter and more beautiful to live.

Rock group U2 hit the nail on the head with their song “One,” which I consider to be a curveball, thrown against humanity, our politics and religion, and especially our inability to live in peace with one another. Some “specialists” want us to believe that it is in our nature to compete with each other, to step above others to gain a competitive advantage. In this case, does it mean that God wants us to kill each other, torture each other, make war against each other, and destroy each other’s lives and futures? Does God want us to exploit all the gifts of mother earth to harm nature and humanity? I do not think so. God’s intention is that we love and respect each other, living in peace and harmony. As opposed to the selfish gratification that comes from striving for and achieving wealth, domination, and power.

Humans fight for power and wealth.

Don’t mainstream Christian churches scoff at the word love? Take the Crusaders and the French Inquisition, the public executions, the burning at the stake of people who did not want to become Catholic Christians. This was done to them because they renounced the Catholic teaching that Mary is the mother of God and that the communion wafer is the living body and blood of Jesus. Now, all of this was done in the name of God, Jesus, and “His church” from him, all for the betterment of humanity, according to the Pope at the time. Nonsense, all this was done with the aim of achieving political, supervisory and religious power in the global sense. Power mongering at its best/worst.

Similar atrocities are still being committed, but in much more subtle ways, through economic manipulation, the United Nations, the Vatican, the oil powers, the world bankers, the World Monetary Fund, the World Trade Organization, NATO, etc. . And if these methods fail, the powerful threat of military enforcement is introduced. Aren’t you horrified by the control of the world by “the powers that be”? They even use designer crime, designer wars and the current world drug crisis to further their cause.

The scam job done on humanity in general

It is all part of the great human scam, exploiting humanity, the earth, the resources in and on the earth, its atmosphere, all for the selfish satisfaction of greed and the achievement of political and economic power and control. Survival of the fittest?

Here is a quote from the lyrics of the U2 song “ONE”. In my opinion, it says it all in a few words: “We are one but we are not the same, we get hurt, then we do it again.”

From another section: “we need to take, take.” Please listen to this song, it moves me deeply when taken in the context of my writing.

As each of our realities is based merely on what we think, and considering that we must think anything before saying or doing something, we can choose to think love, peace and harmony, actualizing it and living it as such. “What we think”. I choose to think of love, therefore I am part of the love, which I project towards you.

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