Board exams? Relax…

Something scares us the moment we hear the word board exam. This scare creates stress, which every student has to endure during these exams.

A student sitting for a board exam is always the victim of parental and peer pressure. Parents put pressure on their children thinking that they should be admitted to the best university in India and students put pressure on themselves to get better grades than their peers. All this tension and anxiety eventually leads to restlessness, agitation, and depression among various students.

Students usually do not realize that it is very important to keep a calm mind during these exams in order to get the best results. We must not forget the fact that only good health can help in the best performance.

Here are some tips that can help students keep exam stress away:

1. Think positive: Positive thinking is the best medicine for exam stress. If a student believes that he can do it, no one in this world can stop him from getting the best score. It also helps students remove negative thoughts from their minds and helps them think in a much healthier way. Positive thinking is the best remedy to overcome exam stress.
2. Concentration – During exams, it is a general tendency among students to lose concentration. They will start with one topic but end up doing some other topic. In this way, until the last moment, no topic is fully prepared. It is very important that students concentrate on one topic at a time instead of preparing two or three topics simultaneously. Although this more or less depends on the personal choice of a student, it is more advisable to take a focused approach.
3. Take breaks: To keep your mind relaxed before and during exams, it is very important to take small breaks after every few hours of studying. During these breaks, if you want to catch up on your favorite series, watch it or if you want to listen to music, listen to it, as it calms the mind. Avoid talking to a friend, as you may end up discussing studies alone.
4. Keeping Hobbies Alive: By the time a student enters grade 10 or 12, they drop their hobbies and plan to devote all their time to studies. However, this is not right. To take an exam, a student should not end up giving something they like months before. You can spend time every day dancing, listening to music, watching TV or doing whatever you want until exams. Keeping hobbies alive keeps you motivated.
5. Study in a group before exams – Discussing and learning with friends, before exams, always helps to better understand a subject. Apart from that, in this way, one breaks the monotony of studying alone all the time. However, it is advisable not to follow this practice during exams as friends can create distractions in the mind.
6. Practice Yoga – Yoga is the best way to combat stress. It releases all the tension from the mind and helps the student to concentrate better. By dedicating half an hour every day to Yoga, a student not only stays fit physically but also mentally.
7. Self-confidence – It is very important to have faith in yourself. One should never lose hope.

These tips will not only help a student to get good grades in the exams, but will also help him or her to keep the mind relaxed and fresh during the course of the exams.