Roof ventilation: installation, importance and costs

Before we delve deeper into how much roof ventilation costs, let’s take a look at its importance. When a roof is built with no air intake or exhaust ducts, the heat from the sun can cause a buildup of hot air in the attic. This heat could radiate to other areas of a home, leading to unbearable indoor conditions during the summer. On a typical 90°F hot day, the temperature could rise to 140°F when there is little airflow. In addition to heat, moisture in the attic could lead to serious problems down the road if proper ventilation is not installed.

Shingles and roof decks could suffer and deteriorate prematurely. Heat radiation could also mean that air conditioning units and other refrigeration units need to work harder to keep the temperature down, ultimately increasing your electricity bill.

Discovering how vents work

There are benefits to having a fully functioning ventilation system year-round. Ceiling vents work by allowing air to move freely from one point on the ceiling to another. This ensures that no moisture or heat is transferred out of the roof, keeping the house cool. These systems often have multiple components systematically placed for optimal operation. This air movement can be achieved in two different ways: mechanical and natural. The natural movement of air is driven by the effect of the chimney or the wind. Meanwhile, mechanical ventilation systems use electric motors.

Mechanical systems are the most effective. A motorized system can effectively transfer hot and cold air. However, there are some drawbacks with this type of ventilation solution. First, some fans require more than 100W of electricity to run. This could significantly increase your electricity bill. Installation is also more complicated and in most cases may require professional help. There are also solar-powered fans that allow for off-grid operation, but they are a bit pricey.

How much roof ventilation do I need?

Having enough airflow in your attic definitely keeps electricity bills down during the summer. Expelling hot air not only keeps the entire house cool, it also protects the roof structure from moisture damage. However, most homeowners are unaware of how much airflow they need in their home. It’s best to know how much you really need. This is to ensure that you have enough airflow to keep the temperature in your attic relatively tolerable.

It’s relatively easy to know how much ventilation your attic needs. In general, you will need 1 ventilation area (about 1 square foot in size) for every 150 square feet. Assuming your attic has about 450 square feet of space, you’ll need to install at least 3 roof vents.

The recommended allocation of vents is 60% and 40%. 60% of the vents would be located in the soffit area and as cited in the example above, there should be 2 soffit vents installed. The other 40% is for a ridge vent. The type of ventilation may depend on the climate and your preferences. If you are still undecided, you should see a professional for a second opinion.

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