Selecting Your Leaders: Top Team Building Tips

recruiting tips

Do you remember the dodge ball games that many of us played in physical education classes? The teacher would choose two boys to be the captains of the teams.

The captains took turns choosing who they wanted to be on their teams. First, they think of the best athletes; then they chose their friends. As they neared the end of the harvests, they tried to pick the best of the least until only one boy was left. The last kid picked always felt like a loser.

Now that we are the leaders, we face similar choices. How do we build a winning team? Should we choose our friends out of loyalty? Should we choose the best qualified people?

Some have even chosen the least qualified because they mistakenly believe that it is about ministering to job seekers. But to truly serve others, we have to have quality people. When choosing people for the team, remember the ASK acrostic. Unlike people who volunteer, ASK candidates are recruited because of their attitudes, skills, and knowledgethe three things necessary for the players of a winning team.

Attitude. When we hire people with the right attitude, we can teach them to do anything. A good attitude can help a person to conquer the most difficult circumstances. Employees with good attitudes work hard, are motivated to achieve goals, and keep moving forward despite obstacles. People with bad attitudes are unmotivated, negative, and self-absorbed. No matter how talented they are, they never add up to much.

William James, a 19th-century psychologist and philosopher, said, “The greatest discovery of any generation is that a human being can change his life by changing his attitude.” People with good attitudes are teachable, correctable, and redirectable. Sales managers often say they want to hire someone who is “hungry.”

They are not talking about someone who needs to eat; They are talking about someone who wants to go out and sell, someone who is motivated. They are describing an attitude.

ability. If the church needs a pianist, the church needs someone with the skills to read music, keep time, and work with other musicians. But there must be a balance between attitude and skill.

Ginger Rae and Donna Lowe, human resources consultants, said, “We hire people for what they know and fire them for who they are.” His abilities are the what. His attitude is WHO. An enthusiastic teen who can’t play but has a positive outlook won’t give up on Sunday mornings. Likewise, who wants to worship to the sound of music made by a virtuoso performer with a curmudgeon attitude? It is important to find a balance.

Knowledge. The person who has a great attitude, excellent skills, and also extensive knowledge is the ideal employee or team member. Those with skill and knowledge can fix what’s broken and explain why it broke in the first place. But knowledge without skill is like a doctor who can make a diagnosis but does not know how to treat the disease.

Candidates with the correct balance of ASKs should be asked what they want to do. If they are forced to do jobs that do not follow their temperament and passions, they will not be fully productive.

People are more productive when they are passionate about what they are doing. Always try to put people in positions that interest them. Of course, the only way to do that is to get to know them and understand their passions.

Know your team

After recruiting a team, spend time learning about them as individuals. Specifically, look at these four A’s:

Attitudes. This is what they are. Find out who they are by understanding their attitudes towards their jobs and the people around them.

affinities. What do you like? Who do they like? Some team members may have an affinity with a previous leader. Knowing that those alliances still exist can help current leaders make a smooth transition.

anxieties What causes them stress? Who causes you stress? If a particular executive creates stress among employees, performance interference can allow them to focus on their jobs. If a monthly report is keeping them up at night, changing it to a quarterly report could make them more efficient.

Animosities. What is it and who is it that they don’t like? Perhaps a predecessor did away with hour-long lunches in favor of leaving early; But if employees hate the new policy because lunchtime is when they normally run personal errands, a simple change could make them happier. Understanding their animosity allows us to make changes.

Leaders can only react to information if they first know it. So take the time to get to know your players.

Team members know

Team members know who is performing and who is not. If asked, they will provide feedback on which people are doing their jobs and who are doing it exceptionally well. Often an underperforming worker on a team causes unhealthy conflict. Understanding the situation from the perspective of other team members allows us to make informed decisions.

Team members also know who the toxic people are. They can name the person with the bad attitude, the one who is irritable all the time, and the person who makes life miserable for them. Replacing these people with encouraging and inspiring team members can help the entire organization run better. In fact, they can help the team reach a level that they couldn’t reach before.

Consider the fact that while John the Baptist was still in Elizabeth’s womb, he did not jump in the presence of common people. It wasn’t until Mary came to visit her with the miraculous baby inside her that Juan jumped into Elizabeth’s womb. The moral of the story? People pregnant with good things can make your team jump and soar.

Consider this quote from Charlie Crystle, founder of Chili!Soft: The first thing to understand about starting a business is that mediocre people drag down great people – they’re a cancer and you need to eliminate them as quickly as possible. Don’t worry about creating holes in the company: great people are much more productive when mediocre people are removed from their environment. It’s not that we don’t have enough people on the team,

according to Crystal; it’s that we have the wrong people on the team. If we ask our people, they will tell us who the problem is.

Annual review

We can learn important information from our employees throughout the year, but perhaps the best time is during your annual reviews. You can take this opportunity to give us feedback on how things are working, and we can take the time to discuss your concerns. This is also the time when we must decide whether to retain, retain, reassign or release a particular team member.

Always hire slowly, but fire quickly. Leaders often regret not firing people when they first thought of it, instead letting the situation continue. I’ve never met anyone who said, “Gee, I wish I’d let him hang around a little longer.” Usually it is the opposite. “Wow, I’m glad he’s gone. I wish he’d done it sooner.” Why do we tolerate bad employees? The first time you seriously consider firing someone is the best time to do it.

Finally, the annual review is an opportunity for us to take a look at our team as a whole. Do we have the equipment we need to do the job? Do we have the leaders we need to support us? Tea

the leaders that got us here may not be the leaders we need to seize the next opportunities. That is why the selection of leaders is essential for the future.

Selection of their leaders

The most critical decision we make is selecting the leaders that will be on our team. When looking for leaders, there are two characteristics found in the people who work for us. They either think and act like managers or they think and act like leaders. Leaders think about the future and then return to the present while they decide what to do. They might say, “In the future we’ll have to do that, so we’d better start on this today.” They focus on the big picture. They like innovative thinking and are often full of great ideas. They are enthusiastic about change and move quickly once they have identified new opportunities. The leaders are

willing to take risks. They are focused on people and ideas; and while they expect people to like what they do, they don’t have to have personal approval to do their job.

Contrast this with a managerial attitude. Managers conceptualize plans by working from the past to the present. They might say things like, “That’s how we’ve always done it.” They have a micro perspective of situations and examine them as snapshots. They favor rote thinking and are protectors of the status quo. Unlike leaders, they emphasize how and when rather than what and why. Managers are controlling and directing, and they are threatened by change. When it happens, they move slowly, identifying obstacles in their path. They avoid risks, and their actions are limited to the resources available. They are plan and system focused, and very much need the approval of those they work with and for whom they work.

When I refer to manager, I don’t say the word as a job title. People who have the position of manager can act as leaders or managers. The biggest difference is that managers get the best out of themselves; Leaders get the best out of others. That is why good leaders are so critical. They will permeate all levels of an organization. Whenever possible we should hire people with leadership characteristics.

In my book, Who’s Holding Your Ladder?: Selecting Your Leaders: The Most Critical Aspects of Leadership

Decision, I discussed the five key qualities needed. Leaders (or ladder holders) must be:

o Strong: Can handle instruction and correction.

o Attentive: They pay attention and learn quickly.

o Faithful: They believe in their leaders.

o Firm: Manipulative people can’t fly them.

o Loyal: They don’t question their leader’s motivations just because they don’t like his method.

These qualities are important because the selected leaders will hold up the ladder. If they are not quality people who are good at what they do, the ladder will blow with the wind. We can never climb to the top. But if they are better at holding the ladder, we won’t be afraid to climb to the top and stand on the top rung because we know they will keep the ladder from moving.

Top leaders don’t have to be constantly reminded. They are intentional in their approach to their work. They are true to the vision of the organization and do not look around to see if there is something better. They are building our organization, rather than building its brief. But to get that kind of reliable performance, leaders need to be trained. Few people have ladder stands that are qualified and

trained. In most organizations, we have many followers and some leaders. That is why it is important to guide and develop the potential of future leaders.

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