Sexy Yoga – The Best Exercise For Girls To Get A Yoga Booty

If you’ve been reading my articles, you know the many ways yoga is a natural and easy way to exercise and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Although yoga can be an all-purpose body workout, it can also be a great way to get a tight booty. In this article, you’ll learn how to do Adho Mukha Svanasana, which is a beginner-friendly exercise you can try at home to help you with your targeted glute workout.

Chances are, you’ve heard of Adho Mukha Svanasana by its more commonly used name, “Downward Facing Dog.” This is how we do it:

Start standing up and kneel down to the floor. Next, place your hands on the floor to where they are directly below your shoulders (in the meantime, your knees should be below your waist). This is the initial position.

From there, shift your weight to your feet and hands, then lift your butt into the air. Yes, it really is that easy. If you did this right, your body should look like an inverted “V” with your butt sticking up in the air. If you can, try to keep your feet flat on the ground with your legs and arms relatively straight. You may not be flexible enough yet, so don’t bunch up your panties; just do the best you can. Proper form will come with practice. It’s also good to focus on keeping your back straight. Again, this can be difficult for beginners.

When starting out, you just need to hold the pose for as long as you can. Ideally, you’ll want to hold this pose for thirty to sixty seconds. Advanced yoga practitioners often hold this position for five minutes. Increase the number of your repetitions or the duration of your repetitions as your body gets stronger.

Downward-facing dog has been shown to help you get the kind of firm booty that many “yoga beauties” enjoy. However, the best thing about this asana, as with many other positions, is that it doesn’t just work your butt. Downward-facing dog helps tone your arms, back, hips, and legs to give you that healthy, sexy look no matter what you wear.

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