The First Amendment was designed to allow many different opinions so that the public could decipher the truth. The right to freedom of expression is our most important right that protects all other rights. Any politician who does not respect the First Amendment is a defender of the tyranny that endangers our freedoms. Our President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, has publicly acknowledged his disdain for the media. Before voting for the President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, you need to be aware of how aggressive he is. The following list shows how the President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, is abusing his powers with the intelligence community to defeat First Amendment rights.

United States President Donald J. Trump has allowed his intelligence community to reduce Dale B Adams’ First Amendment rights with the following conduct; we use hacking to disable our printer, to change the dates on our digital camera to invalidate photographic evidence, to alter or delete documents, alter or destroy evidence on our USB storage devices, disable our CD / DVD drive, censor our searches , restrict our computer mouse, turn off our speakers and modify the settings of our documents or the search index. The authorities use stealth warrants to break electronic devices, including our computers, with exculpatory evidence, contaminate our food, drink, and consumer products in which we imprison ourselves in our home for fear of even going to church. Officials enter our property at night when we sleep making loud noises, use sharp objects to scratch our car, and even mechanically sabotage our vehicles. Our US mail, including to Court, is tampered with with especially important mail such as Forms W-2, 1099, or documents related to public and private aid. Agents place germs, toxins, or other dangerous substances outside our home that can be transferred into our home and later claim that our US mail is a public health hazard. Officials whistle or make loud noises outside our home to annoy and alarm us, but local police will not enforce harassment statutes and will send threatening emails to retaliate for our freedom of expression. The Trump administration even ordered health care personnel to engage in negligence to harm our loved ones, make false diagnoses, and cause the premature death of family members to financially oppress us, so we cannot afford ink, paper, envelopes. and postage to expose this crime.

US President Donald J. Trump has stated publicly on national television that he has a take no prisoners approach to win at any cost and the real life examples above are just a few of the tactics he will authorize. If you use these methods in an American Christian family, you will do so with others. Many people seem to adore Donald J. Trump and will ignore this alarm or other ethical concerns from honorable members of the Church. But should we really vote for a person who has no ethical or legal limitations?