If you currently spend many hours in a wheelchair due to a disability and do not exercise at all, there are a number of exercises you can do from your wheelchair that will help you stay fit. It is not difficult to plan a fitness program regardless of disability and you can set aside time every day to do your exercises and exercise. Maybe you want it to match a normal TV show. But setting a time for it every day is important.

There are a number of simple exercises you can do, but you should be sure to get your doctor’s approval, especially for any exercises that might be difficult.

Even if you are in a wheelchair, you can do many upper and lower body exercises if you are mobile. No matter how much mobility you have, if you can move your neck, head, shoulders, or hand, foot, arm, or leg, you can exercise it. In fact you can design your own exercise simply by moving one limb and repeating it.

Movement is the goal. He wants his body parts to move as much as possible during the day, even when he doesn’t set a schedule for wheelchair exercises.

Be as active as you can in your wheelchair.

The two types of exercise that you will use in a workout are resistance training and strength training, but I will focus on strength training. Resistance training involves the use of large elastic bands.

Strength training involves lifting weights called free weights. This will be the easiest as you can use anything you have around your house or apartment that you can lift.

So we will focus on strength training. Boxes, cans, or food are the easiest because you may already have them. Dumbbells are not expensive, and you can usually buy them cheap at discount stores, sporting goods stores, thrift stores, and garage sales. Many people give them away because they don’t use them. You can request them for free at your local free recycling sites or ad sites.

The bicep curl is the most basic and easiest wheelchair exercise and the best one to start with.

Start with two dumbbells or cans that weigh between 3 and 8 pounds each. I recommend starting with 3 lbs. dumbbells You must be careful not to injure your elbows, so be sure to start with the least amount of weight and proceed slowly.

Hold the dumbbells in your hands with your hands in front of you. You can use one hand at a time or two, whichever is easier for you.

Place your elbows against your hip bones and let your arms hang down slightly.

Slowly raise the dumbbells until your forearm touches your chest.

And then slowly move them down to waist level in exactly the same motion you used when lifting.

Do this 12 times for 3 sets, resting about a minute between each.

You can do this once or twice a day if you want. But be sure to get your doctor’s okay.

You can easily build arm strength with this bicep curl that will help you use and get out of your wheelchair. Doing this exercise is one of the most important exercises you can do if you use a wheelchair. Do it daily as part of your wheelchair exercise routine for best results.