No one likes a smelly, stinky refrigerator. Especially when you have no idea where the bad smell originates from. Well, it’s not too hard to get rid of those nasty odors, so here are some tips to quickly and safely deodorize your fridge.

use white vinegar

White vinegar is an excellent odor neutralizer that helps eliminate bad odors. Put some on a paper towel and place it in the back of the refrigerator. When the towel dries, use another one.

Use gels to eliminate odors

You can buy these little packets anywhere, like at a grocery or department store. Frankly, they work better than baking soda, so try putting one of these in the back of your fridge.

There’s nothing better than a good old-fashioned cleaning to deodorize your fridge.

If you haven’t cleaned your fridge in a while, this is a great way to make your fridge smell like new. Turn off your refrigerator, unplug it, remove all the food, and use whatever cleaning solution you like to clean and dry the drawers and wire shelves.

Doing this will also help keep the inside of your refrigerator sparkling clean and free of food stains (which may have caused the odors in the first place).

fresh ground coffee

Coffee is an effective means of absorbing odors by keeping a small bowl in the refrigerator for a day. The only problem is that the inside of your fridge will smell like coffee! Some people will like that, but not all. So please consider that.

Fresh fruit

Some people may like this way better than using ground coffee. Just hollow out your favorite fruit, maybe an orange, lemon, or grapefruit, and place it in the back of your fridge until it dries.


Just like coffee grounds, dry oatmeal is good at absorbing odours. Put some in a small bowl or plate, and these little flakes will neutralize odors in your fridge.


Most people like the smell of vanilla extract, which can be found in the spice section of your store. Try soaking a piece of cloth or paper towel in vanilla and leaving it in the back of your fridge overnight. In the morning, there should be a pleasant and lovely smell inside the refrigerator.

Make sure your freezer temperature is not too high

You don’t want your freezer temperature to be set too high a number. Having it too high can cause problems with food spoilage. Different manufacturers have different settings, so look online for the optimal way to set the proper temperature for your refrigerator and freezer.

Use your storage drawers wisely

The storage drawers in most modern refrigerators have humidity settings. Make sure the leafiest, skinniest vegetables are stored in the highest humidity drawers. Thicker foods don’t need as much moisture.


Of course, the main resource for deodorizing your fridge is the box of baking soda, so having one on hand helps. If not, we hope these other tips will help you keep your fridge smelling fresh every day.