Staying motivated during laborious tasks

Boring administration is usually an integral part of any job. There are a limited number of people who can say that throughout their career they have not had to do some kind of ‘boring administration’ in one way or another. Boring management spills over into our personal lives, too: how often do you hear a friend or loved one say “I have some management I need to do”?

Staying motivated during these more labor-intensive tasks is one of the hardest things I’ve encountered in my short career (I’m 27 years old, I’ve been working professionally for about 6 years since I finished college). It is the ability to stay motivated even when the task is so soul-destroying that has landed me in the rather fortunate position of being both an employee and part-time freelancer. You could say, where does the time go and how do I stay motivated?

Understand motivational tactics, what works and what doesn’t.

To understand how I can be more productive during my time at work, I’ve taken some time to research what motivation is, how it works, and how it’s misused to manipulate and control others. As described in DRIVE: The amazing thing that motivates us, carrot and stick methods have never motivated me. Even when I was working for a marketing agency, the bonus scheme made me so much less engaged and productive until I forgot I was even there.

The thing about ‘carrot and stick motivation’ or ‘Motivation 2.0’ is that it is scientifically proven, through countless studies, that it doesn’t work in the long run. Usually after the first try and inspiration to chase something of value, and especially if we fail, we tend to feel depressed and in most cases, we don’t want to put in the effort of chasing the carrot again. It is alarming to see that 89% of companies believe they lose talent for more money when only 12% of this number earn more money.

However, in certain areas, like sales, where goals and bonuses are an integral part of the game, Motivation 2.0 can work. I have many friends who work as financial advisors and business development managers and their thinking is clearly different from mine. They are motivated by goals, wealth and all that goes with it. What I would say is that I would love to see how often they hit the mark, how they feel when they do, and how they feel when they don’t.

With that in mind, what motivates the broadest consensus, as authoritative figures in leadership often state, is the ability to celebrate successes, big or small, at various stages of the project. Also, acknowledging good work with a “thank you” or “that’s great” is the type of activity that has been shown to generate a positive response and increase engagement and productivity with the project/next project. So in this case, it is the leadership style that is the motivating factor, not the workplace or the financial rewards. This stems from the fact that 75% of employees leave their jobs because of their managers, not their employer! More needs to be done to improve the recognition and personal impact of leaders within organizations.

Self-motivation, the hardest trick of all.

If you think motivating others is hard work, wait until you have to motivate yourself. I remember procrastinating so much in college that I ended up having to spend all night writing a 3000 word article on the ‘representation of women in film noir’. Not my best time! Within digital marketing, I find myself procrastinating on the most laborious and exhausting, but important, administrative tasks. For example, building links. While not my favorite task, I know the importance of improving a brand’s link profile and therefore I know I need to motivate myself to get the job done. But how?

I have found that I am more productive and much more motivated when planning the task or project at hand. Actually, the planning stage is the most liberating part of doing the whole exercise. I find a clearly outlined plan of attack, with milestones, delivery dates, tactics, etc. It is the best way for me to do my job.

What this allows me to do is set realistic deadlines so my brain understands how long a task is likely to take and when I will complete it. By doing so, I can accept the time that I will need to dedicate to any project.

Also, it is important to rest regularly and I do it in short periods. This way of working is effective for me. Once I’ve finished specific parts of the tasks, I take a walk for some water, stretch a little, or make a cup, depending on how many I’ve had, of course. These methods are proven ways to prevent fatigue at work and keep you busy throughout the day.

I also listen to music, and when studies suggest that you should listen to music you wouldn’t normally listen to in order to focus your mind, I think this is not the case for me. I am much more motivated, focused and creative when I listen to music that moves me or makes me feel good. I’m all for anything that reinforces positivity – this impacts your mood for better, more inspiring days.

Once you’ve found what motivates you and know what you need to do to stay motivated, life becomes so much easier. Granted, some days are harder than others, but knowing that there are things you can do to keep going or give yourself that little boost is a nice win.

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