The Chief Rabbi of Israel invites foreign occupation


Israel’s Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi Yonah Metzger has met with the Dalai Lama of Tibet (a supposed Buddhist god) and Metzger “suggested that representatives of the world’s religions establish a United Nations Organization in Jerusalem, representing religions rather than nations, like the UN currently based in New York.

“Instead of planning a nuclear war and buying tanks and fighter jets, he will invest in peace,” reports Israel National News. Apparently at peace Besides from the biblical plane, without proper repentance, and based on misguided human efforts easily manipulated for political purposes.

Has the chief rabbi gone mad? Is Metzger now rabid? meshuggah? Has God hardened your heart against Jerusalem and Israel to invite such a disaster? Isn’t the rabbi aware of the prophecies that warn of the world’s evil eye on Jerusalem, and how they covet the Temple Mount? Whats Next? An urgent visit from the bavarian pope to life for your attention seeking to gain a better position in the “New Jerusalem”?

Doesn’t Yonah Metzger know that he should promote the Third Temple, a Biblical House of Prayer for all nations interested in learning about the God of Jacob? learning Torah and repent of idolatrous traditions, not for getting to teach foreign ideas or bring strange ways to the Holy Land in the wicked spirit of Babylon.

Such nations must humble themselves to goes up to Jerusalem to celebrate Sukkot (Festival of Tabernacles), not to participate in an interfaith orgy! The unacceptable religious UN alternative proposed, a modern Tower of Babel, must be condemned and rejected as a totally unclean idea, a grand diabolical design, that would contaminate the Holy City with the arrival of its Grand Master, a sorcerer-wizard, a Wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Has Metzger switched to the other side, seduced by the Catholic Church of Babylon (with its treacherous agents like David Rosen) who aims to crown their universal king on Mount Zion? Are you not opening the floodgates of hell by summoning the “World Council of Religious Leaders” to establish itself in Jerusalem to make the City of the Great King its unholy headquarters, invoking UN Resolution 181? Are you making alliances with alien organizations like the United Religions Initiative that Appear as bearers of light but hide a spiritual darkness that Nimrod would delight in?

This nightmare in the making recalls the prediction of Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion of January 16, 1962: “… With the exception of the USSR as a federated Eurasian state, all other continents will unite in a world alliance, at whose disposal there will be a force international police. All armies will be abolished, and there will be no more wars. In Jerusalem, the United Nations (a true UN) will build a Sanctuary of the Prophets to serve the federated union of all continents; this will be the seat of the Court Supreme of Humanity, to resolve all controversies between the federated continents, as prophesied by Isaiah. ” (emphasis mine)

Isaiah did not prophesy any Godless plan that is a dangerous counterfeit of the Temple of God, not a “sanctuary of the prophets.” How humanistic, but undoubtedly attractive as a fairly common and harmless plan for interfaith fools.

The prophet Daniel exposes that the Third Temple will be polluted by the aspiring divine emperor Until King Messiah returns from Heaven (in the sight of all mankind) and destroys such demonic activities, purifies Jerusalem, and cleanses the Temple!

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