The divine name of Yehwah (Jehovah) of the archangel Metatron, and how religion was formed to control the masses

It was October 12, 2005 and Jill, my wife, still doubted the validity of what she was channeling into a trance. Jill is an Avatara, who is a messenger; a prophet chosen by Deity to receive and transmit messages for the benefit of humanity.

He asked his guide if the name ‘Yehwah’ that Archangel Metatron had given him, as a name for The Creator, was really correct, and how he could validate it with evidence.

One of his spirit guides, White Cloud, said to go to Exodus 6 in the Bible and read against 2 to 3, where we read the following:

2. And God spoke to Moses and said: I am the Lord.

3. And I appeared to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, by the name of Almighty God, but by my name JEHOVAH they did not know me.

When we read this, we did not understand why we were asked to read it. Jill’s guide White Cloud said that JEHOVAH should pronounce Yehwah (Yay-wahh).

The next day, Jill was getting the kids ready for school and she noticed that I was sitting down to read. She did not think about this and continued, when White Cloud told her, “Go and see what Glenn is reading.”

He came over and looked at me casually reading a book called “The Holy Scriptures”, trying to find alternative names for God in the index at the end. I was looking for the name of God Yehwah as validity.

Jill was directed to one of the pages. White Cloud said, “Look for Moses.” Jill and I searched the page and found her name and asked White Cloud, “Now what?”

White Cloud told Jill that most of the stories about Moses were myths and that this was just the beginning of the coming controversy. He said that the Bible was originally kept as a sacred text by a sect of Jews. His goal was political control.

The Greeks had “their gods”; but the Jews at that time did not. They saw how the Greeks had control and power over the people. So they created something similar. It was almost at the same time as Amenoteph; a great Egyptian leader, who was the scribe who built the first pyramid, introduced monotheism; And now it is a struggle between all these powerful religions for the supreme control and domination of the world.

Every religion has used, abused, tortured and looted; in the name of his own man-made god.

Lesser mortals were originally forbidden to read and interpret what had been written. The reason for this was to generate propaganda that if they read the text, they would suffer the wrath of God.

This was a measure of fear and control, to ensure that power and wealth were maintained by the elite who had decided to control the crowds; and also to make sure they learned to think in a certain way.

The sacred texts, at that time, were denied to ordinary men and women to read and interpret for themselves, as this would give the possibility of questioning what was written. But now it is the intention of the spirit that the truth sets us free.

White Cloud said that the Egyptians were famous for their compilation of historical facts; and numerous papyri and stone carvings testified to the truths of that time. Upon investigation, we will find that in the history of Egypt, there is not a single Egyptian historical data that tells the name of Moses, or the exodus of the Jews at that time. White Cloud told us that those who follow the Bible “literally” do, in fact, worship a false god, a man-made god; and for too long, we have killed our brothers and sisters in the name of this false god.

White Cloud then directed us to the ’10 Commandments’:

Commandment 4: You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or on earth below, or that is in the waters under the earth.

However, people worship the cross, the Bible, Jesus and the Virgin; that according to God; they are all false idols.

To put this in perspective: God is the only thought; infinite intelligence; creative energy. He is not an idol! God is within. We are our own temple; worship, nurture and develop. Faith has to start with ourselves. A collective thought. Without idols.

There are no Roman records of Jesus crucified on a cross, while they kept records at that time. Jesus ‘was’ crucified; he was tortured and persecuted; but not on a cross. However, we worship the cross, another false idol.

The truth is that it is religious societies that do evil; not the good people who run their ministries; they act in good faith. The organizations above them (if the truth is known). They will lose all the power and riches they have accumulated through torture, propaganda, and wars fought in the name of the Creator.

White Cloud said we still have to (as we would call it) ‘Rock the Casbah’. Many more truths will be revealed.

At that he left us, with a feeling of hopelessness. What difference can we make with this knowledge?

At a later date, it was explained to us that our mission was simply to write down this information for people to find. We must plant seeds, and God and the angels will take care of the rest.

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